DroiX Christmas Sale - Give the gift of Tech

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  1. Dave C

    RG350 unboxing and demo

    We unbox and demo the soon to be released retro gaming handheld, the RG350. Learn more and order your RG350 at https://droidbox.co.uk/droix-retrogame-rg350-handheld.html. Watch the video for a 15% discount code when ordering a RG350.
  2. Dave C

    Having some Issues with Device

    You may be installing the wrong firmware. There are two different models and you need to install the correct one. Transparent (aka v1) - https://www.droidboxforums.com/threads/rg-300-gameboy-v1-design-custom-firmware-050819.17171/ SNES (aka v2) -...
  3. Dave C

    Retro Gaming System Console S Line Review

    If you are new to retro gaming and are looking for a plug and play retro gaming console then look no further. The Retro Gaming System Console S Line has everything you need to get up and running! You can read the review at...
  4. Dave C

    Full review of the RetroFlag GPi Case for Raspberry Pi

    You can find a full review of the RetroFlag GPi Case for Raspberry Pi which you can buy with just the case or pre-built with a Raspberry Pi Zero W and 32GB SD Card. You can read a review of it at https://droidbox.co.uk/blog/full-review-of-the-retroflag-gpi-case-for-raspberry-pi/ You can learn...
  5. Dave C

    RG-300 (SNES v2 design) Custom Firmware alpha

    This is currently the latest version. You can keep an eye on this forum as we post all updates usually within 24 hours.
  6. Dave C

    RG-350 v1.3 firmware

    Learn more and buy the RG350 from https://droidbox.co.uk/droix-retrogame-rg350-handheld.html NOTE: Custom firmwares are installed at your own risk. They will not break your device but software could be unfinished, unoptimised or not work at all. DroiX provide no official support for custom...
  7. Dave C

    RG-350 v1.2 firmware

    Learn more and buy the RG350 from https://droidbox.co.uk/droix-retrogame-rg350-handheld.html Download Download RG350 custom firmware v1.2 from https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OsbE0N11HcQGfuAPeyamER3w0aitMONa/view?usp=sharing Installation PLEASE MAKE A BACKUP FIRST BEFORE YOU FLASH THIS You...
  8. Dave C

    Launcher not running on boot

    Try using a less than 32GB card and format it using SD Memory Card Formatter at https://www.sdcard.org/downloads/formatter/ then add the firmware image. If this does not work you can try the second method of flashing with a PC.
  9. Dave C

    PocketGo CFW v1.32

    Learn more and buy the PocketGo at https://droix.net/products/bittboy-pocketgo-handheld NOTE: We had a few customers asking why the screen backlight is flashing several times every so often. This is a new feature to inform that the battery is at around 10% charge left and to charge it up. NOTE...
  10. Dave C

    Retroflag GPi Case FAQ and help

    Yes it is.
  11. Dave C

    Launcher not running on boot

    I would recommend reinstalling the firmware. If you have a T8-S Plus v1 then you can follow the guide at https://www.droidboxforums.com/threads/firmware-links-for-t8-s-plus-v1-devices.10001/ . If it is another model then you can find the guide and firmware in the appropriate forum. If you are...
  12. Dave C

    RG-300 Original Firmware image - Help!

    Could you email [email protected] with your order number so we can find which model of RG300 you have and we can send the firmware. Thanks.
  13. Dave C

    RG-350 v1.1 firmware

    You can preorder the RG350 from https://droidbox.co.uk/droix-retrogame-rg350-handheld.html NOTE: Custom firmwares are installed at your own risk. They will not break your device but software could be unfinished, unoptimised or not work at all. DroiX provide no official support for custom...
  14. Dave C

    Retroflag GPi Case FAQ and help

    There is a list of everything on the card at https://droidbox.co.uk/retroflag-gpi-console-raspberry-pi-zerow-32gb-sd-card.html
  15. Dave C

    RG-350 v1.0 firmware

    You can preorder the RG350 from https://droidbox.co.uk/droix-retrogame-rg350-handheld.html A bug fix update has been released for the RG-350. This is not an official update and not a custom firmware, just some improvements to the factory release firmware. NOTE: Custom firmwares are installed...
  16. Dave C

    HDMI In... where is it?

    Please check the previous reply for how to add it.
  17. Dave C

    Slow download speed on mxq pro 4k

    Also download the Speedtest app from the Google Play Store rather than trying the web browser version. It slows down a lot on the browser version.
  18. Dave C

    RG-Plus v2+IPS, LDK, LDK Landscape, RS-97 v3.0 CFW 050819

    They can be found on the emulators part. Try loading the arcade emulator for example.
  19. Dave C

    MXQ Pro 4k loses Netflix?

    While Netflix is on the device we do not advertise it or mention on any of our listings that do not support it. The A95X has a version of Netflix that worked at the time but as we can not guarantee it will continue working we do not include it in the product listing. You can try installing an...
  20. Dave C

    Bittboy CFW v1.31 (new version numbering)

    Install from fresh as there are changes to rootfs