OK - it will be a pleasure to close this thread now as I can report - "ALL SYSTEMS GO"
Chris at Droidbox has done a fantastic job and has been determined to get to the bottom of my problem.
Unfortunately, we have had to revert back to 2015 firmware but at lease I have perfect pictures now........it appeared to be a problem with the OTA update, so for now, I have been told not to update for a while
until they get it sorted. Can I say, this just refers to MY box - and your updates would probably have been fine) I think it was a blip of some kind. Anyway, pleased to say, I am up and running now.
I would personally like to extend my Thanks to Chris for helping me through all of this (nearly TWO days solid) on the Chat Line.....but it was worth it......not that I learned a right lot (too quick for me)
but he tried and better tried & wouldn't be beat - Well Done Chris!
Finally, another "Thank You" to you guys also (for taking the time & trouble to reply to my thread)........your help was invaluable - Thank You!
Thanks Fellers!