
Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2015
Hi toonarmy.
You should give android a try.
I only use android and can say that it works well. On a machine as powerful as the t8x series, you will see no difference in performance. I would say the oe/le alternative os' only prove their worth on lower spec machines where the android stuff running underneath the lid may impair performance. You may think I am talking out of my arse. But that it your prerogative.

And I've invited you to that trial if you want.


Sep 28, 2016
no Nigelar i would never say that lol

I just dont like android or its many apps too clunky and full of ads. for me....

Its just a personal preference for Openelec although i will say my wee foray into its use and its apps they do seem to have improved a lot but its just not for me as my main use = more of a back up than anything.

I just wanted to be able to use Openelec on this box - and now that the decision to replace it with Librelec has been made my box is virtually of no use to me without an upgrade path on OE and Kodi....

Thanks for the invite my friend but Android is not my main focus.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2015
Oh. I thought you said you were experiencing stuttering video in android (same as Ray) and thought you would like to help the community by running some joint tests.

To me the OS is irrelevant. It's the content. And since the primary focus is on Kodi, I don't know why adverts should be a concern.


Sep 28, 2016
yes i did but as thats not my preferred choice of OS i dont see how my time doing so would get me to where id rather be not being negative just would rather spend the time sorting the box for OE / LE

My comment re the ads is still a valid one re use of android and apps maybe not so within the android kodi app - i ve just had far better performance using OE over the last few years.


Sep 28, 2016
i agree re shelvey - upto last week i thought he was doing well but after the last few games hes a disaster


Nov 4, 2015
I seem to remember this EXACT same fault (stuck on the LE Splash screen) and I am pretty sure there is a walk-around for this. I am fairly sure I saw the "Fix" on THIS forum - but where...I have no idea!

As far as Android - it is a pretty stable system but like you say toon' it's only there to play with. Really, you need to be using droids UP TO DATE ota update and not the old one but like you say, if you are having problems,
then I understand.

Like I say - I have definitely seen a fix for the stuck splash screen.....have a trawl through...I'm sure you'll find it. In fact, it might even be in the BLOG section mate!


Nov 4, 2015
Right you lot - I'm off now to do Nige's test.......I'll report back on my findings later - my missus is doing my head in, she says, it's a pitty I've nowt better to do, been asking me to put a clock up for almost a week now..
not a happy poppet.......sod her....you have to get your priorities right, what do you say! silly cow!
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Nov 4, 2015
Right then - here goes:
1. From Android, first of all cleared the memory (bottom left of screen) then set up the screen resolution to Auto (it defaulted to 60 hz) Also set up the screen size from here.
2. Loaded DBMC - set up video calibration so that the edges were exact to the screen. It reports 1920x1080 @ 60hz
3. From the available add-ons I loaded SNAGFILMS, as it was the only one that would play a movie. GO TO THE ACTION SECTION!
4. Loaded the movie - FEARLESS (HD) playback was OK but small picture because of the films resolution...pressing ok (sub menu) shows 720 - AAC -2.0 - English.
5. Next, loaded the movie Stone of Destiny - Full Screen Playback - Awful Playback - Judder on left to right - right to left panning - really bad. (Sub Menu) "AS ABOVE"

It was interesting to note that the option to change settings for Video Playback and refresh rate were NOT available in the bear bones DBMC. So adjust refresh rate automatically,
and adjust to the attached monitor was not available. I also noticed that the accelerator section was missing as well.

Because I have run this from within Android and because it was as basic as I could get it, it confirms to me that it is a Droidbox problem. Great idea Nige.....
if you could do the same, it would be interesting to see your results, or indeed anyone else that would like to experiment.........

Speak Soon,


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2015
please try this.
Select exodus addon
Oscar winners
"The Kings speech"
From the list of sources
Choose No 1 Pelispedia GVideo 1080p
First item in my list.
Play it and tell me what happens.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2015
I found "stone of destiny" in exodus.
Just 1 working source out of 3.
Host server is TORBA. Movie is 720.
I run it.
It buffers and judders.
What does this tell me.

A 1080p movie from GVideo (Google hosted server - so one of the best) runs perfectly.
The other movie from TORBA is crap.
Conclusion: since the box plays a 1080p movie from a proven, good server well, the box cannot be faulty.
Ergo, the Problem is the TORBA host server and the bandwidth available for streaming.
Therefore we can conclude there is no instrinsic problem with the box.
It is the luck of the draw whether you pick a film on a good hosting server.
Always try and pick something from a GVideo server if you can.
If you are willing to pay get, a Real debrid account which is supposed to guarantee high quality streams.

Hopefully you will reach the same conclusion as me.
Last edited:


Nov 4, 2015
Didn't have to install Snagfilms mate, just loaded DBMC from the Android apps (Snagfilms was in the list).....will load Ares, and then Exodus and report back.
I will do exactly as you state above.......I am working tonight but will get straight to it in the morning!

You might be right, it could possibly be the chosen server. I will load EXACTLY as you recommend and let you know how I get on...

Interesting Stuff Eh!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2015
Good luck Ray. I don't know what all the "load ares" etc is about. I just open dbmc and run exodus. No fannying (technical term) about with screen resolutions, video calibrations and so on. Just run it! If you don't have exodus, get it from the right place - fusion (tvaddons).

Btw regarding "snag films" your addon of choice. Does this ring a bell?

"Also- with some of the movie addons- I notice that they default to an insanely high bit rate. I couldn't use SnagFilms until I figured this out. It would stutter like crazy, it was unwatchable.

I solved this by going into System/Settings/Add-ons/Installed add-ons/Video add-ons.

Find the addon you are having an issue with. Highlight it and press ok or enter. You'll get a menu there that has "configure". This is where the addon settings are, and you can adjust the bitrate down. I have SnagFilms set to maximum 1500 and I've had no trouble since then."


Nov 4, 2015
OK mate -Late night last night....just got up - going for a walk to clear my head (bloody hangover) then I will be right into it.....

When I said "Load Ares" in my post above, I am referring to a wizard,
are you NOT familiar with it mate if not - YOU SHOULD BE, it's excellent...if you need more info about it let me know.

I think you have touched on some very interesting points above, and once I get to looking at your steps more closely, I will know more. To be honest, I think you might have a point with
the actual choice of feed (server) it will be interesting if my box does the same as yours when I try your links above.

Anyway, off for my walk now,
More later.........fun & Games Eh!

Let me know if you need more info on Ares, and I'll talk you through it......



Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2015
Good morning Ray. I'm ok with Ares. I just don't load it every time. Maybe I use the maintenance tool once a month. Also used it to get some Addons that are hosted by them.
Good luck with your hangover.


Nov 4, 2015
Hi Nige - You mention REAL DEBRID - Never heard of it mate.....can you tell me a bit more pal?


Nov 4, 2015
Right...before I get on to my findings (which I hope will make sense to Negelar) I would like to Thank the Droidbox folks for not removing my post, I have to say, "I thought they would"
I am still not convinced that I don't have a faulty box, so it might mean a call to Customer Service tomorrow. Anyway, I followed the instructions from Negel to the tee, and I have to say my findings were interesting indeed....
This is what I did - Step By Step (hope it helps some people) - Nigel, can you let me know what you make of it please!

1. From Android, I first cleared the memory,
2. Installed "Fusion"
3. Loaded Exodus - then Oscar Winners/The Kings Speech/Chose PELISPEDIA/GVIDEO/1080p - RESULT: No Buffering but Jerky!
4. Loaded "Stone Of Destiny" - Lots of sources (Not Just Three as stated) Loaded Option (1) TORBA/TORBA/1080p - No Buffering But Jerky!
5. Loaded Option (02) TORBA/TORBA/HD - Video will start in 10 sec splash screen! RESULT: Bad Buffering - Very Jerky!
6. Loaded Option (3) TORBA/TORBA - Video Will Start Splash - RESULT: Buffering/Wouldn't Even Play!
7. Loaded Option (04) MOVIE25/NOWVIDEO - RESULT: Very Jerky But No Buffering.

Out of all of these tests, I didn't get one smooth playback. I checked my speed into the box, which reports 43mb on a wired connection.....BLAHHHHHHH!