ian maddox

Active Member
Aug 16, 2014
my picture position seems to have gone to shit , when i click on original size the picture goes small and sits in the left hand side of the screen, also if i change it to any other i seems to be missing detail from the bottom left hand corner any fixes would be most welcome.

Also my droidbox appears to be sluggish at the moment i haved cleared the cache etc , any tips most welcome .

Thanks in advance.

David Savage

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2014
Somewhere over the rainbow
Hi, what version of xbmc are you running, 12(Frodo) 13(Gotham) 14(Kodi). Also as this is android make shaw all back ground apps are closed. Clear memory and cache to see if it helps. Maybe it might be time to do a refresh of xbmc and run the wizard again remember to use the one for your box, and follow the instructions on this forum. Good luck...

ian maddox

Active Member
Aug 16, 2014
Yeh I'll try that I'm running latest kodi
I cleared cache will clear memory and run mainteamce wizard. Cheer s for tips.

David Savage

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2014
Somewhere over the rainbow
Did your box come with Kodi or did you add it yourself. My box still runs xbmc Frodo 12.3 Linux build and is very smooth on full HD and 3D movies too. I no this is outdated but I'm happy until I get a fire tv box with Kodi 14.1 on it. This box can be temperamental if you start playing around to much, and it might start crashing a lot. Also if you run android apps they use memory (cache) witch can have an affect on Kodi playing movies in full hd. Setting your box to your tv setting is important too ie: 1080p at 60hz is what works for me, also sound out put HDMI or cable (optical) it all helps your box run smooth. Hope this helps
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Staff member
Jul 15, 2014
Cardiff, UK
@ian maddox - Re picture position, depending on the firmware you have on your iMX6 the steps required differ slightly.
Bring up Android's Settings. If you see a colourful tabbed interface, click on the Display tab. If you see a monochrome-ish text interface, look for Display or Screen entries.
At this point in both cases, start look for image scaling. You may find it set to 80%, so you're not using all your TV's pixels. When a video is playing in XBMC, can you press the BACKslash \ key if you have a remote control with a QWERTY keyboard, or temporarily attach a USB keyboard, let us know if either issue is resolved.

David Savage

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2014
Somewhere over the rainbow
Hello again, Ian let us no how you got on. I've had these boxes for 18 months, I amit I don't no it all but Ive got Kodi and xbmc on 5 other devices ie laptop and hudl 2 and no how to get them running smoothly. Only trying to repay the help I got when I was new to the world of Kodi (xbmc). What we mustn't forget that Kodi is free and the people that do this do this also do it for free..........donations only go to TVADDONS.ag to find out. Love to all
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ian maddox

Active Member
Aug 16, 2014
hi guys im having to do a factory re set at the min some very odd goings on over last few days with the box, woke up today no kodi on box tried to add it box says memory was full , had no options to delete apps so thought a clean factory reset would do ive done this before but im stuck today cant get past the reset window box not seing img on my sd card , any help would be great .

ian maddox

Active Member
Aug 16, 2014
right box is completely dead now no screen just black no options do do factory reset , have a bricked it . gutted if so i love these boxes

David Savage

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2014
Somewhere over the rainbow
Sorry to here that, sometimes this can happen. If you mess around to much they start to crash and cause problems like yours. How old is your box and did it come with Kodi on it, did you do the tooth pick in the back and reset your box, not shaw what to do if its bricked out as it hasn't happened to me. Silently screaming might be able to help. Good luck and hope your box is ok they are good, and don't forget if you have a computer or android tablet you can install Kodi on that and run that to your tv through HDMI out. Sorry I couldn't help...

ian maddox

Active Member
Aug 16, 2014
No came with Frodo I added kodi as it updated. I like to be up to date.
Had my sonos app on there etc.

It's over 12 months old. Looks like might have to bite the bullett and reinvest. Will wait see what silently says he has been very helpful before which you don't get else where as have you. Thanks for your tips etc.

David Savage

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2014
Somewhere over the rainbow
I've got this box but still running Frodo 12.3 Linux. No probs yet and I last ran the wizard about 8 months ago as it still run great. I have xfinity, fusion, superrepo, hqzone and Alluc all in sourses so I can keep them up to date. Hope you can sort this out...sometimes they fix themselves, just leave for a while. I also have Kodi and Show box on my Hudl 2 which has an HDMI out to so I can take it anywhere and also pug it into my tv. I love it.....good luck
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Joe reid

Active Member
Jan 24, 2015
I've got this box but still running Frodo 12.3 Linux. No probs yet and I last ran the wizard about 8 months ago as it still run great. I have xfinity, fusion, superrepo, hqzone and Alluc all in sourses so I can keep them up to date. Hope you can sort this out...sometimes they fix themselves, just leave for a while. I also have Kodi and Show box on my Hudl 2 which has an HDMI out to so I can take it anywhere and also pug it into my tv. I love it.....good luck
Can I ask , are you saying you connect the hudl to your tv via an ethernet cable ?
You have a long cable then so you can watch TV while controlling it from the tablet ?

David Savage

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2014
Somewhere over the rainbow
Hi, er what...no I use wifi and conect using mini HDMI. Also I think it also works on cromecast and you just set audio on pass through. And if I use my Oppo blu ray player I can still get 5.1 sound. Plus I can take it anywhere using wifi watching showbox or Kodi all for £129 and if you use tesco club card points only £79...oh it's Hudl 2 witch is android so loads of apps too.P.S I never said Ethernet cable!

ian maddox

Active Member
Aug 16, 2014
Up n running again using Gotham 13.1 long day hard graft but saved my box and it's working fine.

David Savage

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2014
Somewhere over the rainbow
Well done, I wouldn't touch it now....sometimes they can test you and always take time to get them up and running again. Enjoy....just one thing how did you get it back from a blank screen be nice to no, when you have time.

Joe reid

Active Member
Jan 24, 2015
Hi, er what...no I use wifi and conect using mini HDMI. Also I think it also works on cromecast and you just set audio on pass through. And if I use my Oppo blu ray player I can still get 5.1 sound. Plus I can take it anywhere using wifi watching showbox or Kodi all for £129 and if you use tesco club card points only £79...oh it's Hudl 2 witch is android so loads of apps too.P.S I never said Ethernet cable!
Sorry mate I got mixed up with HDMI out ,

ian maddox

Active Member
Aug 16, 2014
silly question but whats best way to run the box do you leave constantly on or put in standby when not using whats the best or is there very little in it.

David Savage

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2014
Somewhere over the rainbow
I don't leave it on, I not sure but it might over heat after a long time. I leave mine in stand by, and also I think it clear its own memory as when I watch something I use 48% and turn it off it goes back to 16% then does its updates. Don't forget I'm still using Frodo 12.3 Lunix build but today I lost Vevo as it now says broken so I will have to upgrade to Gotham or maybe Kodi so I'll need a spear day because as you no its never straight forward. How did you get your box back from a blank screen it would be nice to no. Thanks