
New Member
Jun 2, 2021
I have just spent a couple of hours setting up a friends newly purchased Droix 3 and have a few of questions.
The only downside I have found with the Droix 3 so far is that 1 of the usb ports is basically unusable due to having the air controller dongle permanently present, so is there any way of being able to use the remote control without the dongle?

How do we change the position of icons on the Droix 3 home page?

Is the Droix 3 an arm7, arm 8a, x86 or x64 product as I found difficulty installing VLC player without downloading from the PlayStore?

Otherwise it's an extremely good box, snappy performance, fast start up time and a short learning curve with very good picture quality across all the film apps I have tried.
I am going to sell my 2 much loved Amazon FireTV's for a couple of Droix products.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2015
I don't have a Droid 3 but can hopefully answer the first 2 questions.

The dongle is the way that the air mouse connects to the box wirelessly. So if you plan on using the air mouse then you need the dongle. You could try using the original remote that came with the box (if there was one).They use infra red as opposed to wireless. Unfortunately they tend to be crap at doing anything useful which is why most people prefer to use an airmouse.

Regarding the home page launcher, I'm assuming this is a custoised droidbox design. If normal drag and drop doesn't work, then you could do what I did and use a 3rd party launcher for example, the Nova launcher from Google play. These are highly configurable and allow you to set up and manipulate icons like you would do on an Android phone if that is what you are looking to do (you would use the air mouse to move things around).


New Member
Jun 2, 2021
Thanks for that info I will have a try on the weekend. Do you need to chose the nougat theme which has been suggested with the ADW Launcher?


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2015
With the Nova launcher I just used a family photos as a wallpaper. I don't know about the adw launcher but Nova has an option to select the theme "just once" or always.thats useful to rollback a design if you don't like it and you can easily revert to the stock set up.