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  1. T

    T8S-Plus was a marvelous box

    sorted - sort of - still not got Librelec but its a start - am contemplating trying to do the OTA upgrade to LE but have concerns over the same thing happening again so will delay that for a while see how this backdate update works out.
  2. T

    Trouble with new Librelec update (T8Ss plus)

    Got an update file to take me back to original condition with Openelec and kodi 15.2 - may just give LE a miss on this box
  3. T

    T8S-Plus was a marvelous box

    at last got an update file to get me back to factory condition with openelec and kodi 15.2 - thanks to David Cole and Droidbox
  4. T

    T8S-Plus was a marvelous box

    my LE still doesnt work at all ..... would love to get it back to the way it was when i bought it less than8 weeks ago
  5. T

    Trouble with new Librelec update (T8Ss plus)

    Yes i was told the same and that the update has proved to be successful and running 100% = however this forums entries say and prove otherwise... I ve just heard from my friend who has tried again to get it back to where it was and now mt friends box cant be used on either OE or LE at all I...
  6. T

    Trouble with new Librelec update (T8Ss plus)

    If only I could get Librelec to load!!!!!!!!!! would eb a good start - tried again today and still no joy
  7. T

    Trouble with new Librelec update (T8Ss plus)

    so its not just me then
  8. T

    Trouble with new Librelec update (T8Ss plus)

    am gonna give it another go from scratch as its doing my head in = hate being beat at this stuff.... Droidbox, who have been really good, are looking at other options for me so will wait and see what else they may be able to do remotely.
  9. T

    Trouble with new Librelec update (T8Ss plus)

    Its such a shame as i love the box its a fab fast box - but was disappointed by its Librelec side as ive not experienced it on this box --- however I am using LE on a stand alone zotac zbox and it flies it really does and its equally as good as Openelec. Its a pity that the earlier version is...
  10. T

    Trouble with new Librelec update (T8Ss plus)

    Thanks David - but we tried all of this several times and even online with Droidbox technical staff, did factory reset. went to android - did the OTA route and the file route neither makes a difference. There is loads of storage space. data wiped and caches cleared. Install and factory reset...
  11. T

    Trouble with new Librelec update (T8Ss plus)

    Me too ive had no end of problems in trying to get LE to work on my T8S plus - android works well but i only got that side for a couple of apps i like - my main requirement was for Kodi within Openelec and was expecting an upgrade from Koodi 15.2 to 16.1 within it sadly LE seems to have been...
  12. T


    did my update yesterday and the Librelec doesnt work for me either - spent 2hrs with the techy and still not working - wont go past the splash screen - thiught id be able to get back to the openelec install and cant get that either
  13. T

    Trouble with new Librelec update (T8Ss plus)

    i did the upgrade on mine yesterday and cant even get it to go past the splash screen.. disappointing to say the least