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  1. T


    i feel the same with the T8S plus mate your not alone
  2. T

    T8S-Plus was a marvelous box

    The devs are but sadly Droidbox arent.....
  3. T

    T8S-Plus was a marvelous box

    yup - OE at 6.95.3 is superb as a release even at beta..... i use it on a Zotac box in our living room...... id go even further if there was a reflash of the entire box solely with OE and future updates of it I would gladly do without android
  4. T

    T8S-Plus was a marvelous box

    thats EXACTLY the OTA update am talking about its screwed my box up - cant use LE at all
  5. T

    T8S-Plus was a marvelous box

    Droidbox and I have tried everything here to get LE to work on this box and it fails everytime .
  6. T

    T8S-Plus was a marvelous box

    oh without doubt OE at 6.95.3 leaves latest Librelec standing on the grid...... But why and more importantly on what basis was LE chosen over a tried and tested OE OS.
  7. T

    T8S-Plus was a marvelous box

  8. T

    T8S-Plus was a marvelous box

    to a degree yes but i rarely use any android apps - the primary use for me would have been Openelec - so the risk wasnt ever that great and you can access the apps from within OE anyway = maybe there is a risk there too but as i said i rarely use any android apps - too clunky for my liking -
  9. T

    T8S-Plus was a marvelous box

    I also think Openelec and Kodi combination performs far better than android and kodi
  10. T

    T8S-Plus was a marvelous box

    you take me literally..... it does stop for openelec on this box - Librelec seems to be the way forward for Droidbox - thus dropping OE completely
  11. T

    T8S-Plus was a marvelous box

    so basically i have a box that will eventually die with the OE offering stuck at Kodi 15.2...and become defunct of that functionality and be a plain and simple android box. To be honest am not prepared to spend another £20 in P&P costs to get it them and return it to me (i am not in UK)
  12. T

    T8S-Plus was a marvelous box

    and i have to say i bought this box for its Openelec offering not Librelec - had I known at the time of purchase that they were pulling the plug on OE I am fairly sure I wouldnt have bought it
  13. T

    T8S-Plus was a marvelous box

    I very much doubt we are alone.
  14. T

    T8S-Plus was a marvelous box

    I wouldnt mind if it would load OTA but it doesnt - - bad performance can normally be resolved - but surely to god if the back to factory file DB sent me loads and works with OE / 15.2 Kodi - - I do not understand why LE 16.2 Kodi wont... TBH ive had it with this box, i think it would be better...
  15. T

    T8S-Plus was a marvelous box

    After a few weeks trouble free with android and openelec - i decided to try the OTA update again and guess what it failed yet again taking the box back to being unable to use Librelelec and a blank screen = so i guess am lumbered with openelec stuck forever on kodi 15.2.....
  16. T

    Air remote?

    Very Inaccurate Pointing device maybe lol
  17. T


    I remember some years back getting a box that was marked as droidbox with the familiar green droidbox label - however at its heart was an MX2 and it had mx2 matricon software in... it hence my suggestion
  18. T


    what proof is it that shows it to be a droidbox unit
  19. T


    Try Matricom.net for gbox firmwares
  20. T

    am happy to send the update but its over 650mb zipped try this ljnk which may still be active -...

    am happy to send the update but its over 650mb zipped try this ljnk which may still be active - https://ota.droidbox.co.uk/uploads/files/20-ced54170cffa3ffed230006599dac6ce.zip