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  1. T


    Ive recently found my two live tv apps (paid subs) are now only playing for two minutes then stop..... any ideas
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    Crushed Delivery!

    get your money back and buy a different box.
  3. T

    OpenELEC to LibreELEC Update BETA Test Bug Reports

    id say the firmware you have installed is not a dual boot firmware
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    OpenELEC to LibreELEC Update BETA Test Bug Reports

    yes thats your best option - Dbox gave me a firmware file to get me going with librelec as thats my preferred platform - and eventually after some weeks i did the OTA and its got me where i am now with a working box on both platforms and a fixed weather widget
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    OpenELEC to LibreELEC Update BETA Test Bug Reports

    I also had this scenario - and the only way to get back was to do the toothpick method of reset and then select reboot to android from the available options -as i couldnt get to Librelec for 4 months as it just didnt work - however it does now This was an ongoing problem for about 4 months...
  6. T

    OpenELEC to LibreELEC Update BETA Test Bug Reports

    Just as an extra to this thread ive just done the OTA to my T8S Plus and wenr from 1.06 to 1.07 initially then to 1.08 and it now loads librelec properly the way it should have done 4 months ago Hey hi so now its more real time testing of it Feeling a bit more optimistic this time
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    OpenELEC to LibreELEC Update BETA Test Bug Reports

    i really do wish i could say the same - had it on two boxes the droid and the zotac = back on openelec now on zotac to do the comparison and IMO its miles better - maybe its the box firmware combo
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    OpenELEC to LibreELEC Update BETA Test Bug Reports

    Librelec for me is not brilliant i have to say but hey ho - Openelec is far superior IMO
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    I Feel Sad.....

    am just pleased am not totally reliant on this box
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    I Feel Sad.....

    am afraid so -
  11. T

    I Feel Sad.....

    Its not just you Ray - ive still got issues with the Librelelec firmware update which at least got that side of the box working ( big thanks to Chris) but the audio is stuttery and video is jerky.. so not impressed. and ive tried every possible combination of settings. Th DBx support crew do...
  12. T

    I Feel Sad.....

    PS am very happy
  13. T

    I Feel Sad.....

    I understand that Nigelar i was just mentioning it as being one of the quirky things of this T8S plus box and its systems
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    I Feel Sad.....

    not quite the same issue but ive had audio distortion on music and movie soundtracks (like when record player belt is causing the playing to be erratic) and i tried all sorts software acc and hardware acc, audio setting etc etc etc - and the only thing that gets rid of it so far has been to...
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    OpenELEC to LibreELEC Update BETA Test Bug Reports

    Iv e noted that since the Librelec is now working on my box (still more testing to be done yet though) the android Play store just goes blank when clicked on
  16. T

    T8S-Plus was a marvelous box

    it actually was and wasnt Chris ..LOL , it was where it went to from the windows explorer address bar = i just didnt have network discovery switched on and i had used forward slashes instead of back slashes...doh.... so its important to have that switched on and use the right slash ...
  17. T

    T8S-Plus was a marvelous box

    yes we did mate and Chris at DBx sorted it out with the help of the new zip file update - so big thanks go to Chris
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    T8S-Plus was a marvelous box

    i did exactly that booted box to openelec then connected and i get the above screenshot
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    T8S-Plus was a marvelous box

    when i do as the video suggests by file manager / explorer with the box ip address when in openelec i dont get the screen you see in the video i get a sort of online remote control page