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  1. palpatine


    Do I need a vpn?? ok it protects r identity but it youre going to pay for live tv addons it defeats the point coz youre acount details will be on record it that addon was taken to court also ive got fibre but rubbish speed 25mb/s wont it slow it down Thanks
  2. palpatine

    whats the minimum mb/second u need to stream live???

    Just watched a toptutorials vid on buffernig and he said you need at least 30m/ps to stream live! Ive done a speed test and im geting 27mbps ! Is that why I have buffering issues on live tv
  3. palpatine

    droidbox share working??

    have iphone and the droidbox share mirror works but its in slow motion on the iphone??
  4. palpatine

    zero cache or 1g ram option

    on many wizards such as echo maintanence theres options of advanced settings which work best for buffering?? does zero chache work??
  5. palpatine


    im having problems installing zem addon fromshanis respos any other ways of getiong zem??
  6. palpatine

    how do i stop the iptv simple client

    ive clicked disabled on tv settings but it re enables proberly coz I use sports streaming addons. I dont use simple client and it constenly update guides and must be using memory
  7. palpatine

    droidbox repo

    how do i remove or unstall droidbox repo it wont let me
  8. palpatine

    specto problem

    also it seems to have happened since I instaled agent 47 which doesnt work either???
  9. palpatine

    specto problems

    hi is there anyone having problems with spect?Its very slow at the momemnt
  10. palpatine

    spotify addon

    im a premium meber but the kodi addon for spotify crashes and doesnt work??Any help???
  11. palpatine

    Create own widgets

    I know how to choose widget but how do I make my own??
  12. palpatine

    Ho Ho Ho Jolly Choca

    Great movie addon Jolly Choca
  13. palpatine

    Streaming all sources addon thumbnails

    All I get on salts are thumbnails of the tract symbol not the films any idea why??
  14. palpatine

    tdb droidbox erro

    anyone having this error
  15. palpatine

    some repos not updating

    im having some issues with repos and addons .im geting unistall addon no dependencies. including droidbox repo
  16. palpatine

    christmas addons for kodi

    its that time of year !!Does any one know any up2date christmas addons?? movies ect Thanks
  17. palpatine

    slow motion vs buffering???

    whats the diference between bufering life sports and slow motion is it 2 sepretate things?? I dont get buffering on 720 bein sports it just starts off normal then a few seconds later it goes slow motion
  18. palpatine

    mirror droidbox share on my iphne

    hi i used to be able to mirror the droidbox to my iphone now I cant do it!! Has anyone any instructions I might have forgot. Thanks
  19. palpatine

    720 slow motion sports??

    I no longer can get 720p live sport stream such as bein sports it doesnt buffer it just goes in slow motion?? never used to before update
  20. palpatine

    sean 99 dbmc build

    does sean99 do a build for dbmc ?? Any reviews on it??