ok panicking a bit now that streaming is illigal!!
I have a sky router and cant directly enter a vpn
I dont trust the kids to use a vpn on there devices so I want it through the router
Wheres the best place to buy one????????????????
Hi should I be turning off my droid box by the amins at nite???
I always shut it down properly but at nite a turn the plug of so there isnt even a red laight??
Will it do it any harm????
or should I leave it on stand by
something weird happened today!!!
Switched on droidbox and went onto dbmc and noticed screen wouldnt fit
Ive gone into settings and reajusted screen 100% to 87
keep u posted
Just heard about echo devs joining forces with tv addons and indigo!!!!
Aperently there will be no comunity builds that where on echo
@sean99 I can almos feel youre blood boil and I'm all the way in southport lol
hi could someone test something for me
I'm having no stream found on rogue one on specto in dbmc
but can find 4 sources on specto in kodi 17
is it my box
hi ive installed exodus specto and bubles on kodi 17 and seem to be having error signs on all of them
exodus isnt pulling anything up
ive installed it from fusion
any ideas
Hi my youtube isnt updating so I want to unistall it but because theres loads of addons using it it want me to unistall them all first!
Is there a quicker way ?
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