Thanks sblabs for that. I cant find anything for Channel 5 but at least thats two crap channels sorted for her.
Ill keep looking for channel 4 as I dont use android apps - just Librelec.
Thank you
Hi again,
Well, we've kicked VM TV and phone line into touch. Downgraded to basic 50MG broadband and will save over 30.00 per month. Wifes happy - to an extent.
We have to wait a while before we can get a freeview box which has record facilities.
Here my question!!!!
Wife keeps going on about...
Since VM have directly asked me if Im using Illegal kit - Ive been thinking ov VPNM for the first time. Not certain if Im gonna install yet as Im thinking about changing Droid name in Router.
Anyway can someone please advise me??
I am only ever in Librelec and NEVER use the android side...
Excellent - Thank you. I will do it tonight. I dont think Ive set up shortcuts. The only thing I do is connect to my NAS drive to play films through the files link but its calling from NAS to Droid and not the other way - so I reckon Ill be able to do it.
Wierd - I had problems last night with my T8 Mini. Date and time set to january 2015 for some reason. Nothing worked. Re-set time settings to automatic and its all normal again. I did swap out me router though but the time and date thing did sort it.
Hi again pieeater2015
I can actually change the name of it in my router settings. It is currently and actually named "droidbox"
I can also change the name of the box in the Librelec settings???? - would I be safer just to change it in the router as I don't want to screw things up on my box?
Im not sure if the name of the device can be changed. If it can will this then mask what they are or could be looking at? Ill try and see tonight if I can change the name of the Droid device and get back to you.
Not sure if this can be done.
Thanks for that sean99. I didnt actually know they could see what was streaming but I learned something now.
Cheers for the advice. Just wierd how they rank me and blatently asked me.
Well here goes - Had a phone call from Virgin Media. All was OK. Asked me if I needed any upgrades. Asked me if I had any problems with my router!!!!!! All fine no worries. Then started talking about usage and download usage. Blathered on for a few more minutes then asked me outright if I...
i all.
Ive read the notes on making folder with file Manager - but I never use android side. So will the problem persist in Librelec side of things? and if so what will be the fix as I have not yet updated and am not going to while I still read problems.
Thanks in advance
Ye I have used it to delete these also ChrisM - its a really good way to get round bad providers.
Your welcome even though it wasnt me who came up with it - I merely found the idea.
Cheers though
Its really excellent - I can't believe I didn't know about this.
It works perfect for me.
I didn't know you could do Zen and Salts too - thanks for that.
Hi all,
Just thought I would share something I came across last night. This may or may not work for you or even be what your looking for but at the moment its spot on for me and fast!!!!
Basically is how to speed up the downloading of sources and providers in Exodus and Specto.
In Exodus -...
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