New Member
Dec 5, 2014

I have tried this on both of my televisions aToshiba smart tv about 12 months old and a Samsung fairly new and it’s the only way I can get a picture on both my tv s from 2 A95X F2 boxes, 1) connect a quality hdmi cable (only )from android box to tv and I get no sound and no picture , 2) connect an av cable( only ) pushed all the way in and I get a poor quality picture and 2 horizontal ( I think ) noise bars , leave the av cable in and put the hdmi cable part way in and I get a perfect picture, push the hdmi all the way in and the tv goes blank WHY? Reconnect both cables again with hdmi half way in and perfect picture AND both A95X F2 boxes works perfectly.on either tv WHY

After all my problems I feel that I am nearly there ,all help gratefully accepted


Dave C

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Sep 1, 2015
If I understand this correctly, both boxes have the exact same issue on two different TVs? Were they both working previously or having issues from the start? Are you using the HDMI cables supplied with the devices?


New Member
Dec 5, 2014
It's time to admit ,originally I wanted one for myself and promised my son one so bought two they both worked fine after installing some apps with normal set up ,HDMI cable ,hand set and mouse and dongle with ethernet cable for 3/4 days and then the boxes seemed to boot up but with no picture /signal on any tv ,as I had promised my son one of the boxes I bought him another one from a different supplyer with exactly the same result this happened around christmas time so then Ihad 3 unworking boxes.Becuase of health problems my wife had a stay in hospital so nothing was done about them I then posted the message on a couple of forums and you were the only person to answer and when you said you thought the boxes were booting up ( I thought the same )so started to try better quality cables, and yes I did try the original cables. Other things I have tried , a factory reset on ONE of the boxes after I realised the boxes were booting up with a very poor picture when I tried an AV cable so tried all the boxes and all worked the same, (that was the uereka moment), then I uninstalled all the apk s that I had installed ,then I installed an anti virus which was clear, but still no picture using HDMI


New Member
Dec 5, 2014
Sorry the mouse dropped on the floor before I had finnished, I then uninstalled all the apk s off all boxes and ran virus checks on all the boxes all were clear, I then tried reseting the tv unplugging all hdmi connections and the tv for ten minuets and then plugging every thing in different hdmi sockets on the tv , I forgot to say the very first thing I did to ONE box was a succesful reflash but I still didn't get a picture so I wasn't sure until later when I tried the av lead that the reflashing had worked, I then tried a factory reset on my tv that didn't change anything I still only had a very poor picture and that was jumping all over the place with a great deal of patiance I managed to work on them all, with the exception of the factory reset all the boxes had the same things done to them and then I inadverdantly connected the hdmi cable with the av cable still connected and as I touched the end of the hdmi cable to its female socket the picture was crystal clear so I pushed the hdmi socket all the way in and the picture dissapeared, so I pulled it out and pushed it about half way in and the picture reappeared, so the setup is av socket pushed right in and hdmi no more than half way in and the tv source set to av result perfect picture and sound on all apk s .Like I say almost there,I don't want to stop until I solve this last query, I have tried everything I can think of any ideas any one please.
Thank you for your help Dave the tip about you thinking that the boxes were booting up spured me into having another proper go at them. Making a mess of two boxes is bad ,but admitting to three is DIFFICULT


Dave C

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Sep 1, 2015
If you reflashed the firmware then you may have installed the wrong one. Another possibility is that the HDMI cable that you are using is damaged and plugging in to other devices is causing damage to the HDMI ports, i.e. breaking the contacts. Check with a magnifying glass or something and see if there is any damage to them.


New Member
Dec 5, 2014
H i Dave I only flashed one box and all three of them are acting exactly the same so I think the firmware was the correct one ,the four tv hdmi sockets are currently being used for other devices eg tivo box ,beelink gt king , dvd player ,without any problems using the same cables but I will definitely check all cable and the faulty android box hdmi connections.
Thanks again Dave I will get back to you soon after checking them.