DroiX Christmas Sale - Give the gift of Tech

David Savage

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2014
Somewhere over the rainbow
OpenELEC and LibreELEC are separate operating systems to android so this means it has to shut down and reboot.
This also has no background apps running so should run better and smoother then the android side.
Some people prefer this side and others can't see any difference. Still nice to have, plus you can set two different builds of kodi.

Hope this helps


Active Member
Sep 26, 2016
could i copy my addon file and data files from my dbmc and paste them into open elec? where is the kodi open elec file found using es


Active Member
Aug 24, 2016
If you think of it as another operating system. If I change any settings in Openelec - its just that. Nothing is altered on Android side. When I got my T8 Mini I set it up to boot into OE from the off. I just don't like android bloated apps - but thats only my opinion. I use my box to stream movies and TV shows I have missed and live sports but nothing else. I don't download or anything as I have linked the T8 to my NAS so any films I download I can access. I don't run wizards or builds. Just Confluence in OE - it works for me.
Hope this helps - There are more knowledgeable people on here who can offer you advice. I only know OE from the early days of XBMC and Gotham etc so Ive used it for years and never really had any chew.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2014
Openelec runs on the Linux os and is totally seperate from the android side of your device. Thats why you can't access the .Kodi files from es f e (of which accesses android side only) To access L e or O elec. kodi you have to ftp into you device from a pc and you need a kodi system file service.openelec/LibreElec.settings added from either of those 2 Os' to run a cloned kodi from another os ie. android/windows
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