I followed the instructions of Nigelar. And it worked : the on/off button on the VIP remote worked. But the problem has become bigger : the on/off button is now the
only button which is working,
all other buttons are down (OK, arrows, mouse ...) and makes it completely useless. How can I restore this ? Can someone help me please, before I'm going completely mad.
Calibration also worked for me too.
My VIPremote was just turning monitor to sleep state with no return method.
When you hold TV button and your original remote is facing VIPremote(front side/ front side),you release TV button when blinking becomes slower ,press OFF on your original remote once,then wait a little until blinking on VIP remote appears again,then you press OFF on your VIPremote,wait a little for blinking to turn off,and thats it.
IF something like this,loosing your whole remote controls in your case,try again this method,because it would be waste of a really nice day to recalibrate whole remote again!!!!