Thanks,for coming back to me.I have 2 options inSecurity&restrictions. Unknown sources/Verify apps.When i opt for unknown sources it goes to verify apps.
Do i leave verify apps un checked.
Sorry, clearly i have learning difficulties.
Hi there,
No problem.
Let me break it down a bit:
Technically, you should not install apps you don't trust this way.
(In simpler terms: Google made a "Play Store" platform, where all the apps available are verified and approved by Google before becoming available to the masses, by installing an app via the 'Allow Unknown Sources" method you are basically taking the risks that the said app won't do any damage to your device)
But there are some apps that are not available on the Play Store (For whatever reason), and their developers make the package files (Said .apk) online, for other people to download and install themselves.
Now, here comes in a bit of "obvious thinking", one should not install an app downloaded from a website that claims it will increase their RAM, or give them a Gaming PC if they complete a survey within the app..But at the same time, there have been reputable developers/companies which have distributed apps this way for various reasons (We, DroiX used to maintain an app called "Control Centre", which had to be installed this way initially), then there was Epic Games, sharing their game launcher via this same procedure.
To summarise: You can have Unknown Sources enabled and Verify Apps disabled (Although, iirc you could also leave it enabled and still be allowed to install the .apk, keep in mind that by leaving it enabled the function will send some data to Google..don't they love data?
be careful and have a great weekend