
Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2015
I have started looking at the logs.
Initial inspection shows that there were problems with the "URL resolver" dependency which forms the link between your request and the hosting source.
Some of the errors appear to be legitimate - the host does not appear to have the file.
Others harder to pin down as the error message is generic.
Are you going directly to the "search" menu item? I need you to do this as soon as you open exodus as I am seeing errors relating to the retrieval of details of "John wick 2" " skull island" etc which are movies. And that is confusing things.

further investigation suggests some issues with retrieving the fan art for the Silicon Valley series.

For anyone interested, I am seeing these errors. I wonder if they are related to whatever Kodi skin you are running.

Palpatine - can you confirm which Kodi skin you are running. If not Confluence, can you change to that and rerun the test please.

5:45:01.182 T:18446744071803124352 ERROR: DoWork - Direct texture file loading failed for resource://resource.images.studios.white/BBC One.png
15:45:01.403 T:18446744071884945664 ERROR: DoWork - Direct texture file loading failed for resource://resource.images.studios.white/HBO.png
15:45:01.755 T:18446744071803124352 ERROR: DoWork - Direct texture file loading failed for resource://resource.images.studios.white/Netflix.png
15:45:02.887 T:18446744071884945664 ERROR: DoWork - Direct texture file loading failed for resource://resource.images.studios.white/Starz!.png
15:45:03.413 T:18446744071884945664 ERROR: DoWork - Direct texture file loading failed for resource://resource.images.studios.white/Syfy.png
15:45:03.737 T:18446744071884945664 ERROR: DoWork - Direct texture file loading failed for resource://resource.images.studios.white/HBO.png
15:45:05.467 T:18446744072443583488 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://plugin.video.exodus/?action=seasons&imdb=tt2575988&tvdb=277165&tvshowtitle=Silicon%20Valley&year=2014
15:45:05.469 T:18446744072443583488 ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.video.exodus/?action=seasons&imdb=tt2575988&tvdb=277165&tvshowtitle=Silicon%20Valley&year=2014) failed
15:45:06.589 T:18446744071803124352 ERROR: DoWork - Direct texture file loading failed for resource://resource.images.studios.white/Starz!.png


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2015
Ok. Shouldnt make much difference but change it to confluence.
Also where did you download exodus from?
Make sure when you open exodus you go straight to the search menu item, then enter silicon valley then exit after it does its stuff.
Can you also check in kodi programs that the exodus fanart is loaded.
Send me another log when done.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2015
I have tried to make sense of the latest log but it is not telling me anything useful.

It is possible to create a more detailed log but that will require you to enter debugging mode. Before i go any further, are you familiar with that?

I've tested exodus on my box and silicon valley series 4 episode 1 returns over 130 matches so the show is there. I need to crack why, in your case it doesnt get past the initial search screen to get to the 4 series available.

I would definiely put debrid on though. You haven't tinkered with any other settings have you?

I can walk you through how to create a debug log when you reply.


Active Member
Sep 26, 2016
k i dont have a cllue what debug is so yeah il defo need a walkthrough
thanks so mch by the way


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2015
Ok. Do this exactly.
Open kodi.
Go to system on the confluence menu bar.
Then click on settings.
In the panel click on system (make sure settings level is expert).
Now select logging from the menu.
At the top of the screen under debug, select enable debug logging.

A load of data will appear at the top of the screen.

Exit settings and open exodus.
Go to the bottom menu item search and enter silicon valley.
From the search results screen click the proper silicon valley not the other tv shows with similar names.

See what happens.

Whatever the results we now need to switch debugging off.

Quit exodus and on the menu bar go into system - settings - system - logging and disable debug logging by unclicking it.

Exit kodi

Send me the new log.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2015
Ok i will study the latest debug log some more in the morning. The only clues i am seeing right now is how it interacts with the imdb database which holds tv show details.

You could try going into exodus tools and clearing cache to see if it helps.

If it does look better let me know.

Back on the case tomorrow.

Ps if anyone else is looking in and can help debug the latest log i can hopefully post as an attachment here


Active Member
Sep 26, 2016
yeh done it but also remember im having the same issues i did as before i reset my droidbox to factury settings so evrything would be wiped as well
there is no diference
Y tv shows??
all addons???
cant be a setting coz again ive reset to factory settings
oh il tell u what is diferent
i no longer get thumbnails showing on tv shows since reset
does that help??????????????


Active Member
Sep 26, 2016
sumit elselt that may help nigelar
i have vader streams and u can do a realy neat thing by intergrating there movie and tv database into youre kodi movie and film
well ive done this last week but guess what
now movies intergrates fine
but tv shows shows the sign
unable to conect to network


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2015
From studying the log and doing a comparison with my log of the same search, I think the issue is related to how your instance of Exodus interfaces with the tvdb database
(http://thetvdb.com). This is the web site that pulls tv show data and fan art etc.

This is an extract from your log of the first call to this database, where it is looking for all possible matches with the keyword "silicon".
You will notice all the errors. So you don't see anything. Nothing is being returned.

22:04:48.609 T:18446744072044282368 DEBUG: [Exodus] Request-Error (403): http://thetvdb.com/api/1D62F2F90030C444/series/273402/en.xml
22:04:48.611 T:18446744072044281728 DEBUG: [Exodus] Request-Error (403): http://thetvdb.com/api/1D62F2F90030C444/series/79499/en.xml
22:04:48.614 T:18446744072044284288 DEBUG: [Exodus] Request-Error (403): http://thetvdb.com/api/1D62F2F90030C444/series/262146/en.xml
22:04:48.638 T:18446744072044274048 DEBUG: [Exodus] Request-Error (403): http://thetvdb.com/api/1D62F2F90030C444/series/269003/en.xml
22:04:48.647 T:18446744072044275328 DEBUG: [Exodus] Request-Error (403): http://thetvdb.com/api/1D62F2F90030C444/series/293481/en.xml
22:04:48.654 T:18446744072044275968 DEBUG: [Exodus] Request-Error (403): http://thetvdb.com/api/1D62F2F90030C444/series/304109/en.xml
22:04:48.656 T:18446744072044279808 DEBUG: [Exodus] Request-Error (403): http://thetvdb.com/api/1D62F2F90030C444/series/263541/en.xml

Now compare this to the same call in my log where it is executed successfully

10:11:46.667 T:18446744072045067264 NOTICE: metahandler: Initializing MetaHandlers version: 2.9.1
10:11:46.880 T:18446744072045067264 NOTICE: metahandler: Loading sqlite3 as DB engine version: 3.14.2
10:11:46.890 T:18446744072045067264 DEBUG: metahandler: Table movie_meta initialized
10:11:46.892 T:18446744072045067264 DEBUG: metahandler: Table tvshow_meta initialized
10:11:46.892 T:18446744072045067264 DEBUG: metahandler: Table season_meta initialized
10:11:46.893 T:18446744072045067264 DEBUG: metahandler: Table episode_meta initialized
10:11:46.894 T:18446744072045067264 DEBUG: metahandler: Table addons initialized
10:11:46.894 T:18446744072045067264 DEBUG: metahandler: Table config initialized
10:11:46.894 T:18446744072045067264 DEBUG: metahandler: Looking up TMDB config cache values
10:11:46.895 T:18446744072045067264 DEBUG: metahandler: Looking up in local cache for config data: tmdb_image_url
10:11:46.895 T:18446744072045067264 DEBUG: metahandler: SQL Select: SELECT * FROM config where setting = 'tmdb_image_url'
10:11:46.896 T:18446744072045067264 DEBUG: metahandler: Found config data in cache table for setting: tmdb_image_url value: {'setting': u'tmdb_image_url', 'value': u'http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/'}
10:11:46.896 T:18446744072045067264 DEBUG: metahandler: Looking up in local cache for config data: tmdb_config_timestamp
10:11:46.896 T:18446744072045067264 DEBUG: metahandler: SQL Select: SELECT * FROM config where setting = 'tmdb_config_timestamp'
10:11:46.897 T:18446744072045067264 DEBUG: metahandler: Found config data in cache table for setting: tmdb_config_timestamp value: {'setting': u'tmdb_config_timestamp', 'value': u'1498901931.97882'}
10:11:46.897 T:18446744072045067264 DEBUG: metahandler: Cache age: 171174.91875 , Expire: 604800

Back to your log, here is the bit where it tries to retrive details for the 2014 season of Silicon Valley

DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogBusy.xml) ------
22:05:27.389 T:18446744072044990592 INFO: CPythonInvoker(9, /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.exodus/exodus.py): script aborted
22:05:27.412 T:18446744072044990592 INFO: Python script stopped
22:05:27.412 T:18446744072044990592 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 18446744072044990592 terminating
22:05:27.440 T:18446744072443575808 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://plugin.video.exodus/?action=seasons&imdb=tt2575988&tvdb=277165&tvshowtitle=Silicon%20Valley&year=2014

22:05:27.442 T:18446744072443575808 ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.video.exodus/?action=seasons&imdb=tt2575988&tvdb=277165&tvshowtitle=Silicon%20Valley&year=2014) failed

Compare this to my run where it executes correctly and here we see it retrieving all the episode details for season 4

T:18446744072044855552 DEBUG: metahandler: SQL Select: SELECT * FROM episode_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt2575988' AND season = 4 AND episode = 1
10:11:56.442 T:18446744072044855552 DEBUG: metahandler: Getting episode watched status
10:11:56.442 T:18446744072044855552 DEBUG: metahandler: SQL Select: SELECT * FROM episode_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt2575988' AND season = 4 AND episode = 2
10:11:56.461 T:18446744072044855552 DEBUG: metahandler: Getting episode watched status
10:11:56.462 T:18446744072044855552 DEBUG: metahandler: SQL Select: SELECT * FROM episode_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt2575988' AND season = 4 AND episode = 3
10:11:56.475 T:18446744072044855552 DEBUG: metahandler: Getting episode watched status
10:11:56.475 T:18446744072044855552 DEBUG: metahandler: SQL Select: SELECT * FROM episode_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt2575988' AND season = 4 AND episode = 4
10:11:56.492 T:18446744072044855552 DEBUG: metahandler: Getting episode watched status
10:11:56.492 T:18446744072044855552 DEBUG: metahandler: SQL Select: SELECT * FROM episode_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt2575988' AND season = 4 AND episode = 5
10:11:56.507 T:18446744072044855552 DEBUG: metahandler: Getting episode watched status
10:11:56.507 T:18446744072044855552 DEBUG: metahandler: SQL Select: SELECT * FROM episode_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt2575988' AND season = 4 AND episode = 6
10:11:56.512 T:18446744072044855552 DEBUG: metahandler: Getting episode watched status
10:11:56.512 T:18446744072044855552 DEBUG: metahandler: SQL Select: SELECT * FROM episode_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt2575988' AND season = 4 AND episode = 7
10:11:56.517 T:18446744072044855552 DEBUG: metahandler: Getting episode watched status
10:11:56.517 T:18446744072044855552 DEBUG: metahandler: SQL Select: SELECT * FROM episode_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt2575988' AND season = 4 AND episode = 8
10:11:56.527 T:18446744072044855552 DEBUG: metahandler: Getting episode watched status
10:11:56.528 T:18446744072044855552 DEBUG: metahandler: SQL Select: SELECT * FROM episode_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt2575988' AND season = 4 AND episode = 9
10:11:56.543 T:18446744072044855552 DEBUG: metahandler: Getting episode watched status
10:11:56.543 T:18446744072044855552 DEBUG: metahandler: SQL Select: SELECT * FROM episode_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt2575988' AND season = 4 AND episode = 10

What to do?

I don't know what state your version of kodi is in. Especially with your most recent references to the vader stream and some sort of tv/movie integration.
So I would recommend:

1. Uninstall current version of kodi - delete cache and data first
2. Reinstall kodi 17.3 from a trusted source. Preferably google play if not that, the official kodi.tv site
3. Wait for it to install and update.
4. Go into system - settings - addons - install from repository. Open the kodi add-on repository - information providers (3rd item from top) - tv information. Make sure "The TVDB" is enabled.
5. Now you need to download Exodus again. Either from your previous source or The Ares Wizard (which you will need to download first from hxxp://repo.ares-project.com/magic , replacing "xx" with "tt").
6. Rerun the search for Silicon Valley and report results.


I need to understand what is blocking the call to the tvdb. (ANYONE ??)


Active Member
Sep 26, 2016
firsrt of all a big thumbs up 2 @Nigelar for all your effort
remember before we did the debug yesterday i reset the droid box to factory setting and updated to 17.3 using google play
the only thing i havnt done which i dont recognise is "
Make sure "The TVDB" is enabled."
what is tvdb????


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2015
See 4th line of my note above. It pulls art for tv shows. There's a related Kodi addon which I want you to check is enabled.
I would still clear Kodi cache and data. Then Download exodus again.