DroiX Christmas Sale - Give the gift of Tech


New Member
Jul 13, 2018
I have a T8X-S box, recently I had firmware problems, which meant a new install of firmware. ( GST8 1.0 1-230317 ), this got the machine going again, but unfortunately the network connections, which enabled me to change settings on the Ethernet connection from DHCP to Static. Have gone.I need this to change my DNS , to enable me to watch U.K. streams in Portugal. If I connect via WiFi, I can perform this action - no problem. My WiFi connection is not brilliant, so is unstable, I really need the ability to connect by Ethernet, this I can do,but can't change from DHCP to static - therefore can't change DNS which is useless for me.
Is there any firmware available which I can install to fix this, or App in Play Store.
My Box Spec is : Gostreamer T8X1.0.1, Android 5.1.1 Kernel 3.14.29
Any help much appreciated


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2015
I think the comments i made on your previous post still apply - the freaktabs site is probably the best site for firmwares but be aware that of the warning i gave then about the risk of bricking your machine.

Here is an old droidbox instruction on switching from dhcp to static ip addresses for wifi and ethernet. Dhcp appears to be the default. Maybe these instructions are helpful and generic enough for your case



New Member
Jul 13, 2018
Hi thanks for this - regret to say Freaktabs proved to be useless, and the old Droiudbox instructions do not help. I know exactly what to do when I have Network Connections, up and running. You draw attention to my previous post, concerning Sound Issues. The solution eventually was pinned down to a faulty USB Mouse that I had connected to the device. I was using this mouse on my Laptop, when I found that my sound was intermittently muted. Removed and replaced the mouse - Sound on all devices !!. I just need to be able to modify this Ethernet !! and we are back to a perfect machine.


New Member
Jul 13, 2018
Hi - guess what - this works it's fantastic.I have been trying for months to get to this point. Now my machine is 100% up and running, after being destined for the rubbish !!!. Can't thank you enough.
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