
Active Member
Mar 12, 2015
Setup is as follows :
- one HDMI cable from TV to receivers HDMI output and a second HDMI cable from T8 to receivers HDMI input.
- Box settings :
audio auto : off
digital audio output : HDMI passthrough
DTS settings : default
DTS HD Mul asset : off
DTSHD transecodeset : O
- Kodi audio output settings
audio output device (in grey) : android, audiotrack
number of channels : 2.0
enable passthrough : checked
AC3 capable receiver : checked
transcoding : checked or unchecked : no difference
DTS capable receiver : checked

Settings in amp : checked and all is OK.

When I play a AC3 movie without enabled passthrough, it works (no 5.1 of course). As soon as I enable the passthrough, I get no sound.
As I wrote you, DTS (and AAC) is playing well, also everything (incl AC3) works fine on laptop. Do you know by experience if there are any known issues with the T8 regarding this sound matter. I assume that T8 supports AC3. Do I have to upgrade to T8S ?

David Savage

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2014
Somewhere over the rainbow
Looks like you've got it set up correctly, so not sure why this is happening.
I'm using a T8-S plus and mini on my set up. I do own a T8 so over the Xmas period I'll try it out to see if it doesn't it on mine.
Could you let me know which add-on and movie you tried so I could mirror the fault..thanks


Active Member
Mar 12, 2015
Excellent idea David. I really appreciate it (that's one of those reasons I like Droidbox so much ;)) . Today I checked again all settings, particularly on home cinema, but I can't find anything which seems strange. As the AC3-passthrough works fine on laptop, I assume there is nothing wrong with it.
Tried movies : on any addon, not a single AC3 movie gives sound. A few examples (with Real Debrid account), all on MorePower addon (section 2015-2016 HD 5.1 movies) :
- Allegiant : 1080 - AC3 - 5.1
- Alice through the looking glass : 1080 - AC3 - 5.1
- Burn country :1080 - AC3 - 5.1
On none of those 3, I get no sound.
- American Justice : 1080 - DTS - 5.1 - this one works.

On the addon Silent Hunter (new releases), I selected Spectral 720 AC3 5.1 : no sound either.

I am very curious to see what results you have on your T8. I'm looking forward to hear from you soon.


Active Member
Mar 12, 2015
Bought it in march 2015. I have the OTA updater app. When there is an update, I always update it. I'm running now build number KOT49H.20160414 test-keys.
I really hope we can sorted it out.
Nice Xmas to you to.

David Savage

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2014
Somewhere over the rainbow
Been testing T8 and all the above setting I've done...
Been on More power and all the movies are only in 2.0 today, I'm not using an RD account and could only find a few 5.1 audio tracks working.
In more power the ones with 5.1 were Avengers Age of Ultron and played fine. The ones you have asked me to test are only available in 2.0 at the present so need to retest...this was the same on my T8-S plus as well.
Tested Spectral in the new Real-movies add-on and this plays fine in 5.1. Plus Magnificent Seven plays great, also Alice Through the looking Glass AC3 5.1.
Real-movies is in the community repository so give this a go..
I'll re-test the others when they come available in 5.1..
So up to now I've not had any issues, but until I can test the ones you've had an issue with we will have to wait.
So can you try this add-on to see if these play on yours and best of luck.

Have a nice Christmas and New year.


David Savage

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2014
Somewhere over the rainbow
I've had in DBMC and Audio output device set to Android, IEC Passthrough and AC3 transcoding is also on.
Plus I've been using DBMC and not kodi, and I've updated DBMC to 16.3.0.
You do this by going to droidbox Market and updating it. Plus I've been using Sean's build which is in wookie then community builds (not 15.2) looks fab.

Hope this helps and enjoy.


Active Member
Mar 12, 2015
Tnx David for your effort. I'm out for a couple of days now. I'll keep you informed as soon as I'm back home.
Btw : are you the David from the Droidbox videos ? ;)


Active Member
Mar 12, 2015
Been testing T8 and all the above setting I've done...
Been on More power and all the movies are only in 2.0 today, I'm not using an RD account and could only find a few 5.1 audio tracks working.
In more power the ones with 5.1 were Avengers Age of Ultron and played fine. The ones you have asked me to test are only available in 2.0 at the present so need to retest...this was the same on my T8-S plus as well.
Tested Spectral in the new Real-movies add-on and this plays fine in 5.1. Plus Magnificent Seven plays great, also Alice Through the looking Glass AC3 5.1.
Real-movies is in the community repository so give this a go..
I'll re-test the others when they come available in 5.1..
So up to now I've not had any issues, but until I can test the ones you've had an issue with we will have to wait.
So can you try this add-on to see if these play on yours and best of luck.

Have a nice Christmas and New year.


I tried your selected movies. Avengers Age of Ultron sound played fine because it is in DTS. On RealMovies : Spectral played fine, because it is in AAC 5.1, the same with Magnificent Seven. Alice through the looking glass doesn't play sound, because it is in AC3 5.1. Nothing plays sound in AC3.
I tried also on the latest DBMC, but no luck.
I checked again my Sony home cinema and it is equiped with a Dolby Digital and Dolby Pro Logic adaptive matrix surround decoder and the DTS digital surround system. So that's all fine. TV is also fine. As everything works fine via laptop (instead of T8), I only can think of an issue with T8 or Android (4.4). Btw I've read on Kodi website RC1, under chapter Android, that there were passthrough problems in previous versions. But on the other hand, it works fine on your T8 set up. So I can't find the solution to solve this problem.
I'm considering to get me a Intel NUC mini PC with Windows on it. That should solve all possible problems, such as Android version updates (T8 won't be updated anymore I guess), storage, memory, speed, buffer, sound ... Although it would be with pain in my heart that I had to leave Droidbox (I have three T8 boxes).

David Savage

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2014
Somewhere over the rainbow
I'm sorry to here this, does it do it on all 3 T8 boxes.
Strange it works on mine fine, the only thing I have is I have my boxes going through my Oppo 103eu blu-ray player.
Which boost picture quality and Audio.
Also be sad to see you leave and the droidbox T8mini is a great box for the money, plus it running lolipop.

Best of luck in what ever you do and sorry I couldn't find a fix.


Active Member
Mar 12, 2015
AC3 is working on none of the 3 boxes.
I'm convinced that the T8 mini is indeed a great box, but I have no guarantee that the sound problems will be solved. I can only have 100% guarantee if I could test it at my place (by some kind of test model). But I realise this is not possible.
In the meantime, I'll inform me on specs and price of a mini PC.


Active Member
Mar 12, 2015
No, I haven't tried. I don't have 2.0 cables at home. The ones I'm using are :
A) from T8 to home cinema : 1.3 (printed on the cable)
B) from TV to home cinema : high speed HDMI cable (printed on the cable). No version number, but then I guess this is also 1.3

If I get me a 2.0 cable, which cable should I replace, A or B ? Or both ?


Active Member
Mar 12, 2015
Tnx for the info. I'll certainly give it a try, you never know. Just to be sure : if I do some tests with 2.0 HDMI cable and it doesn't fix the issue, can I leave the 2.0 cable into the box (or TV or receiver). It isn't a waste of money I mean ?
If this could solve the problem (although I think the chances are very low), it would certainly be a good start of 2017. Cheers. o_O