
Active Member
May 28, 2016
My Rii Mini i8+ Controller on T8-S Plus Ver 2 seems to behaving very strangely all of a sudden.

It starts of fine, then seems to go bananas flashing the blue light very quickly and opening apps in android / activating menus and functions in kodi etc very fast. The only way to stop it is turn it off.

I thought it might be a problem with the controller, but I changed it for another Rii (same model) and everything was fine for a couple of days, then it started doing the same as the other one.

The standard controller shipped with the unit works fine, and the same i8+ controllers work fine on my T11.

Has anyone had this phenomenon happen to them?

I use anti virus software and no issues have been reported.

I thought perhaps there could be a clash between the controller and the Ver 2. Like I said, initially both controllers worked fine. I cant find what triggers this behaviour.


Staff member
Jul 15, 2014
Cardiff, UK
I've not come across this previously, no. Can you list any other devices/dongles that are plugged into the T8-S Plus v2's USB ports please?

Can you also switch to LibreELEC at some point, and see if the controllers behave in the same way, especially the phantom control commands.

Finally, standard response I appreciate but can you:

a) Check if there is an OTA Update available and install it if so (I've not heard of any changes that would effect this, but best to be thorough)

b) If still the same, can you try a factory reset please.


New Member
Mar 21, 2017
I've not come across this previously, no. Can you list any other devices/dongles that are plugged into the T8-S Plus v2's USB ports please?

Can you also switch to LibreELEC at some point, and see if the controllers behave in the same way, especially the phantom control commands.

Finally, standard response I appreciate but can you:

a) Check if there is an OTA Update available and install it if so (I've not heard of any changes that would effect this, but best to be thorough)

b) If still the same, can you try a factory reset please.
Hi. This is a timely thread for me as I am about to buy a Rii like you have. Hopefully I don't run into the issues your experiencing. My anomaly has to do with a Bluetooth headset I have. Once when I was on a phone call on my cell, I was also watching youtube and when I turned up the volume on the headset the video I was watching started playing in fast motion. I couldn't find a setting on the video to slow it down again. I restarted the video and it started playing in fast motion again. Only way I could get out of it was to reboot the box. Anyways thats my story.

Sent from my T8Mini using DroidBOX Forums mobile app


Staff member
Jul 15, 2014
Cardiff, UK
Just in case you didn't try already, should it happen again, I wonder whether the bluetooth headset's volume down is mapped to slow down the video playback rate? Might be worth a shot.


New Member
Jun 25, 2017
Hi. I have the same issue for the second time in recent months. I tried all kinds of things to sort the problem with no luck. Thenvall of a sudden it was fine again untill 2 days ago. Again i cant stop the flashing light. So bought a new 1. This 1 doesn't scoll down using the arrow keys. Can anyone tell me how to get them to scroll please?


Active Member
May 28, 2016
I don't think it's a problem with the controller, as when it's used on a PC it's fine. I know sometimes when the power gets low it plays up. But I've got 4 x Rii i8+ controllers that I keep swapping around.

I think it's something to do with software / driver incompatibilities within the environment of the DroidBOX. But that's just a Gues!

I'm afraid I'm as clueless as you are as to the cause of this.

But at least now I know that it isn't isolated just to me, so there has to be a genuine problem.

Sent From Experia X Mobile Phone


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2014
Try a short usb to usb and place the remotes dongle in one end, I came across this on the mini before and seems if you have the dongle away from the box its ok.
Dec 21, 2016
I have the same problem with the VIP remote and the i9 Mini Keyboard in LibreELEC (all versions 7-8.02) sometimes gets extra commands sometimes none, a reboot takes care of it. I have nothing else but the VIP remote plugged in the USB slots. I'm now trying the USB extender cable (6") on the VIP remote will let you know if this works :)


Staff member
Jul 15, 2014
Cardiff, UK
I've noticed some of the controllers send random commands when they get low on batteries. Our old i12 is my daily control for work related stuff, if it starts moving the cursor by itself or clicking without anyone touching the touchpad, I pop it on charge and it behaves again. If your controller has a removable rechargeable battery, it can be worth taking it out, making sure the battery contacts aren't dirty and that when the battery goes back in, a good connection is achieved with the controller's metal battery contacts and as mentioned above, putting a USB dongle on even a little USB extension cable can definitely help with signal strength.