Kevin Francis

New Member
Nov 5, 2015
Hello all

Recently purchased the droidbox t8-s

Managed to get showbox and live TV working but picture quality is really poor.

I understand with using kodi the choice of stream makes a difference on quality but surely when choosing 720 / 1080 on showbox it should be at that quality?

Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance for your help and apologies if this has already been covered in a previous thread (I did have a look to see)


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2015
Assuming your broadband speed is good and stable ( 6mb or more) then it is likely the problem is at the source server end, either with low resolution sources for films and tv shows, or too much server contention, generally affecting sports.
I doubt the fault lies with the t8-s box or with you.
If you find a high quality source, stop viewing it and load it again. If it continues in high quality then it suggests the source was good. The converse can be true as well.
I've also watched films badged as hd which were patently not that quality.
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shah nissar

Android Tv Expert
Mar 30, 2015
Try using Genesis addon for watching TV Shows an movies. It provides high quality content. In the latest version of wookie (retro wookie)when you enter XBMC click on Movies and it will take you to Genesis addon... Try movies and tv shows in there and see how that works.
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Kevin Francis

New Member
Nov 5, 2015
Thanks Nigelar & shah. Your responses are much appreciated.

I used the retro wookie to install all the addons. And I have now found better (high quality) streams!!

Unfortunately I now have two further questions:

1) is there a quick way of removing multiple addons?
2) the skin has been changed automatically by wookie. I want to select my own skin and customize but once I change the skin none of the addons are available under that skin - but once I change it back, all the addons are again available. Am I doing something wrong?


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2015
Hi afaik you have to remove unwanted addons 1 at a time.
I tend to use the confluence skin as it is the kodi default and is simple to use - and seems to be less prone to the types of issues you have mentioned. For a customised skin you will possibly have to set up all your addons and favourites again in the settings - appearances section - quite tedious. Take my advice - use confluence! Less flashy indeed but everything works!!

shah nissar

Android Tv Expert
Mar 30, 2015
Hello Kevin, When we change the skin to Confluence by Jez. You will feel like all the addons have disappeared but they have not all of them are under Videos>Addons on main Kodi Screen Menu. You can customise this skin and put all your fav addons at the front Menu where you see Videos , pictures and all. Please watch the above addons on how to do it...