I found silently screamings reply, dave. It follows. But i would still like to ask droidbox support for a reply to my question as well.
Easiest way long term is to switch to a stock launcher and create your own shortcuts or widgets.
You could unpack the launcher, edit the files, alter the shortcut icon and where it leads to, repack and sign the app, then copy it to the right system directory, change the permissions and reboot.
Personally I'd either switch to a launcher from the Play Store (Next, Go Launcher EX, people have different favourites). Don't click the ALWAYS option when selecting the new launcher... some don't interact well if you're using the original infrared remote control. . Either that or live with the non-functioning icon.
Another approach is to use something like Themer on any old stock-like launcher. See
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mycolorscreen.themer&hl=en It takes a while to personalize, but the breadth of available themes there is great.