Joe reid

Active Member
Jan 24, 2015
Watching movies in genesis and ifilms and also tv shows on orora tv , all in xbmc.
During the later stages of the broadcast the stream will drop out , it takes 15 to 20 secs to recover but reconnects at the start of the film and i have to drag the cursor along to where we were. To watch. This happens maybe 7 or 8 times during the last hour of viewing.
Watched a couple of movies on the showtime app last week NOT ON XBMC , had no problems ?
Ill get a movie on tomorrow on ST app just to confirm the probs are xbmc related , does this ring any bells ?

Joe reid

Active Member
Jan 24, 2015
Ok , tonight i watched a movie on showbox which i accessed on xbmc, during the last 40 mins or so the stream dropped out about 6 times and every time it reconnected ot started at the beginning of the film so i had to scroll across the bottom bar to where it was when i lost the picture.
Then i accessed showbox "my apps" , watched another movie and the stream was perfect throughout the viewing ?
Any thoughts on this ?

Joe reid

Active Member
Jan 24, 2015
i haven't yet added that droidbox update from last week but that cannot be related surely ?


Staff member
Jul 15, 2014
Cardiff, UK
When you're in XBMC, which specific add-on are you using? I don't see a ShowBox add-on in my list (I could just be blind, sorry if so!)?
Can you open up XBMC, then let me know EXACTLY what you click on to watch a film please.
Whilst you're checking that, can you also try XBMC>Media Portal>Genesis>Movies and find something you're happy to (try and) watch. Let me know if the same drop outs occur.

Joe reid

Active Member
Jan 24, 2015
Sorry your right there is no showbox add on xbmc , anywayjust watched a movie ,
Movie portal>genesis>wso movreel> the gambler , it dropped out at 37m , 66m and 97m. Each time it took around 20/30secs to recover and restarted at the beginning of the movie.


Staff member
Jul 15, 2014
Cardiff, UK
OK, let's try something then, can you open up http://WhatsMyIP.com just before you watch a film again (you can do this on your PC or any device connected to the same network as your DroidBOX), and if the drop-outs occur again, visit that address again. If the IP address changes, it may be that the server hosting the video file gets confused by your ISP switching IP addresses on you. This isn't very likely to happen, but worth a quick check.
If the address stays the same, please exit XBMC, and open the list of all installed apps. Click on Settings. If you see black/blue& white text menu, click on the Apps entry. If the interface is a colourful tabbed menu, select the last tab, then More Settings, then head to apps.
Now look for XBMC, SPMC or XBMC 4 DroidBOX in the list and click it. Now click on the clear CACHE button. Once finished, open up XBMC and watch a film again, let us know if the dropouts occur on the FIRST film you watch.