When I turned on my box and clicked on Kodi, I got a new home page yesterday. No access to any of my add-ons. I have attached a picture of the home screen as it now appears. If I click on any of the menu choices (IE: Movies), all I get is a choice between "Saved Movies" or "PVR". No add-ons. When I click on settings and go to add-on managed. It shows the add-ons as still being active, but I can not access them for use.
I have spent hours going through the menus, and can't find a way to get back to the normal Kodi home screen and menus.
Please Help!
When I turned on my box and clicked on Kodi, I got a new home page yesterday. No access to any of my add-ons. I have attached a picture of the home screen as it now appears. If I click on any of the menu choices (IE: Movies), all I get is a choice between "Saved Movies" or "PVR". No add-ons. When I click on settings and go to add-on managed. It shows the add-ons as still being active, but I can not access them for use.
I have spent hours going through the menus, and can't find a way to get back to the normal Kodi home screen and menus.
Please Help!