
Staff member
Jul 15, 2014
Cardiff, UK
Short version?
Visit https://www.odesk.com/jobs/Live-chat-mail-forum-social-media-Tech-Support_~~5887bb1c4f2e021a and if you haven't worked with the odesk system before, sign up, apply for the job and PLEASE include your forum name, so we can see you've knowledge of the devices and software, rather than a random application from non-forum members.

Long version because you want to read more before clicking off site...
If you can provide good cover, but only part-time, we'll consider sharing the job between two people in our team.
Make sure you've read through the whole link there before you apply, and if you want to link to anything in our forum, please feel free to.
Please include information about which days and hours you'd be available, and how many you'd be able to work.

Job Description
Which method the customer uses to interact with us isn't important, fixing issues both in real-time and continuing research.

DroidBOX - we sell Android boxes that play various types of media, most often up on large displays in living rooms and bedrooms. They are like any standard Android phone or tablet, but uses a TV, monitor or projector as a display.

We have a position waiting for the right candidate...

Presented with a new problem on hardware unfamiliar to you, do you look for something else to take on, or jump to googling for a quick research before contemplating the most effective fix that can be communicated to customers? Implementing new fixes or reaching for a familiar process you can recall from memory, even if the first attempt fails, enough data can normally be gathered by the right questions to suggest a new approach.

These customers can range from people who have only ever used a cable or satellite set top box before, to customers who tweak kernels and can provide you with in depth information on an issue, but require company experience or guidance to find a solution.

If you've an account at xda-developers.com and regularly post to the forum, we're especially interested in that sort of proof of a good track record. Other forum links are welcome, obviously including current forum members.

We don't need data robots who can only ever reply with prepared scripts. Fixes need to match both the problem and the customer, taking into account the method of communication used and their experience level. Some problems may take a long while to research, but customer communication is important. Many of the problems we get can be fixed by one or two methods, but for times when that fails, or a new variety of problem has no known fix, initiative needs to be taken.

Your favourite XKCD cartoon?

Our official UK office hours are 9am-6pm GMT, but flexibility is possible to those bring a good skill-set with them.

Attention to detail is important, please ensure you've read everything before sending a message. We look forward to hearing from you!

skills: Confident-moderate to advanced user of Android OS, basics of networking protocols, confident remote monitoring/controlling devices, not fazed by live interactions with customers (text/audio).

estimated duration: full time

salary: based on experience level (initial pay) and results.

English level: Conversational as a minimum
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