Robert Neville

New Member
Nov 13, 2014
Please help me. I connected my Droidbox as per instructions but messed up, so I disconnected it from power, reconnected and it asks for a password, have tried every password I have but will not open.What should I do?


Staff member
Jul 15, 2014
Cardiff, UK
If you have the time and patience, you could take a photo of the screen asking you for a password, and attach it to a reply here.
Alternatively, you could carry out a factory reset and start from scratch.
Assuming you have an X7 (as that is the area this post is in), follow the steps mentioned here - https://droidbox.co.uk/blog/how-to-access-your-droidboxs-recovery-menu/
Once you see the recovery menu, use your remote to select Wipe data/factory reset. Confirm you're certain, then wait for the process to complete. Reboot your device, proceed through any set up screens offered, select which launcher you want to use, then _STOP_. Seriously. Go and make a cup of tea or two. Wait at least 20 minutes (you need to allow time for the applications to be reinstalled, otherwise you'll be left with a bare Android installation, no XBMC or other apps will be present).
Next go through the DroidBOX Wizard - https://droidbox.co.uk/blog/droidbox-wizard-update-october-2014-2/ and enable auto-updates in Google's Play Store - https://droidbox.co.uk/blog/googles-play-store-signing-in-and-auto-updates/

At some point, hold your breath, close your eyes and cross your fingers, and reboot. If you get the password prompt again (I've not had this happen to me with any of the devices yet), can you have a think about anything that seemed unusual, or you weren't perhaps 100% sure about in terms of what has been done configuring the device both times?

Robert Neville

New Member
Nov 13, 2014
I have done as you instucted, get the screen up, but cannot scroll down to factory reset, remote is doing nothing, its stuck on reboot. Remote works fine as I can enter things with it.
I also tried re-entering what I believe is the correct password, but I am unable to alternate between numbers and letters with the remote, will only enter numbers.If I had any hair, I think I would have pulled it out by now! Please help.


Staff member
Jul 15, 2014
Cardiff, UK
I feel your pain with the lack of hair!
If you have (or could borrow for a few minutes) a USB keyboard, you could plug that into your device, and enter the password that way. You could also use it to navigate the factory reset menu. That said, you should be able to use the remote - is it a VIP remote control (QWERTY keyboard on the back)? If so, try turning off the air mouse function (it has a button with a cursor and smaller standby icon on it). If that doesn't help, flip the remote over so the QWERTY keyboard is facing you. This also disables the Air Mouse function - you can then use the cursor keys at the bottom right to navigate menus etc.
Ah... I've just thought, if you had a QWERTY keyboard type remote control, you could just enter the password, ignore me, sorry.
OK, so it looks like a USB keyboard is the best bet. Failing that, you could post it for us to have a look at. If you need to go that route, please send us an e-mail ( [email protected] ) with the info mentioned here - http://droidboxforums.com/threads/what-to-include-if-you-need-to-e-mail-us.364/

Robert Neville

New Member
Nov 13, 2014
Many thanks, finally got it working ok............................except when I connect wi-fi it disconnects from it after a short while! Unfortunately I cannot connect ethernet cable as its too far from pc. I will say wi-fi did originally work.Have I inadvertently switched something off, sorry to be a pain.


Staff member
Jul 15, 2014
Cardiff, UK
I'd first try the Factory Reset procedure mentioned above, just in case there is a strange setting or application causing the WiFi module to go to sleep on you. If that doesn't work, we could try reflashing the firmware.

Robert Neville

New Member
Nov 13, 2014
Have tried resetting, still the same.When I open xmbc, then Droidbox app, get message saying script error. Tried opening other apps but says no wi-fi connection, even though I`ve connected. It appears to automatically switch off.


Aug 28, 2014
Hi Robert, please email us at [email protected] with the difficulties you're having. I think Silently Screaming wants you to try to reflash the firmware of your device. Support will be instructing you there on how to reflash your device. Thanks!