
New Member
Aug 9, 2017
Below is a thread between myself and a Chinese seller thru DHGate. Reads from bottom up explaining my problem and lack of help runaround. Appreciate any real input. Thanks.

tryhappy2017-08-08 20:06:05
Dear friend
I'm sorry, we can't get a foreign address
I'm looking for help from other technical staff
Just a moment, please

kevinbrafford2017-08-08 09:38:15
Hi, haven't heard back after I linked you photo and audio. I did a factory reset earlier and ran the box for 20 minutes and it froze with similar graphic rectangle colors and a constant type beep. Your tech guy have a look yet?

kevinbrafford2017-08-07 01:56:51
Also to answer your question about box. It is brand new as I used the one good box over a month and then just recently hooked up this 2nd faulty one in a different room.

kevinbrafford2017-08-07 01:55:03
Last link was to pic of screen and this one is audio of sound it makes.


kevinbrafford2017-08-07 01:53:11

kevinbrafford2017-08-07 01:46:48
I dont see anywhere on here to add a picture file?

tryhappy2017-08-05 11:35:54
If you can give me some pictures
My technical engineer can analyze the problem
And help you solve it effectively

tryhappy2017-08-05 11:34:44
Dear friend
This is a new box
Or you've been using it for a while

kevinbrafford2017-08-05 10:54:37
It plays a movie for a short time then freezes up with graphics scrambled into little rectangles and the audio beeps a siren type sound really fast like a machine gun or alarm. Then it must be unplugged because home button or any button does nothing. After restarting the menu comes back but if I play another movie/show it will lock up with same symptoms.

tryhappy2017-08-05 10:17:51
Dear friend
Could you please describe what's wrong with the boX

kevinbrafford2017-08-05 03:00:27
tryhappy, I bought 2 h96 pro+ 3/16 boxes from you through dhgate and one box doesn't work. Dhgate messenger told me to contact you to get you to agree on a refund. I'd be happy with a replacement box as well cause the one working box works good. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2015
I guess you could try some fairly obvious things first to eliminate possible hardware connection issues
E.g. different hdmi lead
Different hdmi port on tv
Different tv

Also how good is your wifi signal in your spare room?
Have you tried the box in your main room where the working one is?


New Member
Aug 9, 2017
I guess you could try some fairly obvious things first to eliminate possible hardware connection issues
E.g. different hdmi lead
Different hdmi port on tv
Different tv

Also how good is your wifi signal in your spare room?
Have you tried the box in your main room where the working one is?

None of this applies as I use the one good box on that very tv with same cord at night then move box only (not cables) back to living room in day. Wifi is fine..have 2 other working boxes, cpus, phones, etc. with zero issues. Thanks for the input anyway.


Active Member
Jul 18, 2016
the H96 are known for locking up freezing and rebooting, if i was you if its still under warranty send it back, and get a droidbox.


New Member
Aug 9, 2017
Not under it's short 1 month warranty or I would send it back. Just was hoping someone in internet land has to have had same type issue.