Many thanks for the quick reply.
All the settings and apps are as they were when the box was shipped, so I assume there is probably an addon installed in Chrome which hides my true location, however, the built-in Android browser reports my correct location, as do the browsers on my other computers. I have also checked Crome on my Laptop which reports the correct IP, and I have checked the location in the settings on my T8 which says London - near enough I guess! I have also stopped a couple of installed programmes, which appear to be VPNs. The only programme I have installed outside XBMC is Teamviewer.
When I check the network settings, my box can't see my Wi-Fi network, even though the router is close by, and my phone shows a full signal. The result of that is iPlayer won't stream anything as it will only work on Wi-Fi, thinking the only other connection would be 3G. On my iPhone there is a setting to select iTunes to use 3G or not, but I've not been able to find any network settings on the Android version.
I have done the updates using the links above as when I attempted to access the Google store using the Android browser, the App store tells me my hardware is not compatible.
I have checked the time and date setting and everything is in order.
I'm really thinking we are running out of options for iPlayer to be honest and it just looks like its not going to work.