Hi minkbomb
I understand your frustration and i think droidbox should have been a more transparent in their plans for boxes running s802 amlogic processors like the t8s.
However, in their defence, and importantly, other established suppliers, droidbox do not write the firmware (which contains the android os). Yes, droidbox and others may tinker around the fringes but the core firmware is fixed.
You can read this independent thread to confirm what i'm saying.
I suspect droidbox may have done some testing of an android 5 version but it presumably proved ultimately unsuccessfull (else it would have been released).
Of course, gifted people out there may well have created android 5 roms for the s802 processor, maybe successfully (and also bricking a few machines slong the way). You could choose to go with one of them but accept the risk.
Thats my take on it at least. I agree some formal statement from droidbox would be welcomed by those running machines like the t8 and t8s.
That said, i truly believe there is a long life left in these boxes yet. There is nothing that my "old" t8 cannot do.
In a world where a device (whether it be a phone,tablet or android box) is regarded as the equivalent of a dinosaur after 2 years, i think there is still a long road ahead for us yet.