You may have come across these already, or not be interested in them, but...
FilmOn (so check FilmOn, Not FilmOn or FilmOn TV (FTV)) has one Aussie channel - ABC Australia
lihattv has one music channel - BigPond Music(?)
Navi-X (Navi-X Start Here>Search>Search navi-xtreme>New Search>Australia) has:
Motor Sports TV (Australia) (not Motorsport 7 entries) that was actually showing Aussie Rules
the ABC News 24 channel seemed to offline at their end
BigPond Racing TVN made Kodi totally unresponsive, I'd leave alone unless desperate to try
Navi-X might have more, if you search for the Australian TV channel name (I only used Australia as a search term)
UK Turk Live Streams has Australia Plus Asia (English audio when I checked)
I may have missed some other channels that didn't jump out as being broadcast from Australia.