If a USB mouse/keyboard does not work then a USB dongle almost definitely wouldn't work.
Probably technology i.e. components, processor speed, WiFi chip etc are better on a PC or laptop.
However, I would expect a stream to appear in similar quality on Android box.
Several things could affect Android performance:
- broadband speed. What are you getting on the Android box compared to the laptop?
- is the Android box connected by Ethernet or WiFi? Ethernet nearly always better.
- are you using a cheap no-name Android box with unknown components or one from a reputable supplier like Droidbox (this is their user forum)
- have you tried swapping the hdmi cable on the Android box?
Btw you can start a new thread or discussion in for example the "General Discussion" sub forum by clicking on it and then clicking on "new thread".
Ookla speed test works well on android devices. You will have to search for something for windows.
The wifi capability of machines varies depending on many things (wifi chip, interference, distance from router etc) so there is no guarantee that the speed you see on your phone you will see on other devices. It could be higher or lower.
Connect your android box to the router by ethernet is my best advice.
As an update i looked at the reviews of the app on google play store and there were a lot of complaints about streaming quality. The app appears optimised for phones.
At any rate why not try a kodi sports stream. If better then you could ditch your subscription.
Not my experience with boxes supplied by Droidbox.
It depends on the source(s) you are watching from. If you are watching the exact same stream on an identical TV with a PC and Android device you will find very little difference. You may find that the PC graphics card does some post processing to enhance the output but it wouldn't make a massive difference.