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    DroiX® T8 Mini & T8-S Plus OTA Update January 2017

    This week DroiX are happy to announce a range of OTA updates. This post will concentrate on the T8 Mini..Read full article
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    Sipping Power & Quiet – Characteristics Of A DroiX As A Server vs a PC!

    Picture the scene – you’re in bed, slowly drifting closer to restful bliss, when suddenly… BLIP. WHIRRRRR. WHOOOOOSH. CLICK...Read full article
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    Looking To Buy A Fully Loaded Kodi Box or A Smart TV Box?

    If you are in the market for a Fully Loaded Kodi box, make sure you keep reading to find out..Read full article
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    What Is A Fully Loaded Android Powered TV Box?

    When looking for an Android powered TV box, we’re aware of the terms people use to refine their search. Whether..Read full article
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    DroiX® T8-S Plus OTA Firmware Update October 2016

    DroiX have reverted to the previous firmware temporarily whilst our coders analyze a couple of issues. Thanks for your patience,..Read full article
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    Hidden But Not Lost – Where Your Memory Is Hiding

    We recently had a few customers asking where their 500Mb had vanished to! Intrigued, we asked for more information. You..Read full article
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    New IPVanish Application (v3.0) Countdown

    The embargo has expired, IPVanish are now happy for everyone to know about the great new features and improvements to..Read full article
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    Don’t let Chinese Hackers Steal Your Banking Information!

    In a recent post we mentioned that purchasing preloaded devices can pose a serious security risk to not just your..Read full article
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    Antivirus Malware Protection For Android Devices

    This post focuses on security for your Android device. The various applications were installed on a device with two infected files...Read full article
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    5 Reasons To Avoid Preloaded Devices!

    Buying preloaded Android device can look good in the short term. Beware the pitfalls awaiting you though…..Read full article
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    Is Your TV Box Powered By Android Ready for Kodi 17?

    Kodi’s developers recently announced the next version (17 or “Krypton”) of the application...Read full article
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    DroiX® Share on iOS Devices – Demonstration Video

    We have created a new video demonstrating the features of DroiX® Share. With an Android or iOS based device you..Read full article
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    Throttling By Netflix, Your ISP Isn’t To Blame! Really?!!

    Netflix has essentially gone worldwide with their streaming service. With HD Movies and TV Shows (including some in 4K) this..Read full article
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    How To Slow Kodi Down & Risk Your Data (Android, OpenELEC & Windows)

    Most posts at this blog tend to be news related, simply reporting the facts. You may even notice the occasional..Read full article
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    Genuine DroiX® iMXQpro vs Generic fake MXQ!

    We recently launched the DroiX® iMXQpro, a device created for those people who find budget trumps desire. Already we’ve had..Read full article
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    M5 and K5 Owners – Update Available!

    If you have the M5 or K5 models from DroiX®, we have a new update for you...Read full article
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    Remote Control – Infrared Basic or Premium?

    The infrared remote control that comes with your DroiX® device is designed to carry out basic functions. However, it is not..Read full article
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    Why Your DroiX® Doesn’t Need More Than A 25Mbit Internet Connection

    One day the title for this page will be incorrect. If you stream 4K 3D streams with high video bitrates,..Read full article
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    Keeping up with UK TV while overseas

    Last month we posted a great review of the DroiX® W10, which is a dual boot Windows 10 and Android..Read full article
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    Great games for the GPD XD

    Our GPD XD, specially created for entertainment on the go, has a number of really great games that everyone can..Read full article