Recent content by mark davies

  1. M

    T95 box keeps crashing kodi

    guess its the pifalls of buying a cheap box
  2. M

    T95 box keeps crashing kodi

    i am having the same problem with a cheap box,bought for step daughters bedroom,even reinstalled kodi and put just 1 addon on and it still crashes
  3. M

    if you install sport addons after i set back to factory settings then yes it will

    if you install sport addons after i set back to factory settings then yes it will
  4. M

    t8-s for sale,6 months old in excellent condition

    t8-s for sale,6 months old in excellent condition
  5. M

    all sport addons failed me this morning

    all sport addons failed me this morning
  6. M

    Now it won't sync date..

    mt time wont sync and date has now gone back to 1970 and cant set later than 1993,glad its not just me having problems
  7. M

    Loads of peoples favourite add-ons pulled down in protest

    point us towards the little gems please
  8. M

    apps missing

    play store,kodi tv and already use ethernet and file manager has gone
  9. M

    apps missing

    t8-s crashed saturday so restored to factory settings and wanted to reinstall jarvis,used file manager last time worked a treat but this time around file manager has gone ? restored again and left box alone for a couple of hours to let apps install etc( as advised) and still nothing tried to...
  10. M

    XBMC / KODI black screen

    my kodi crashed this afternoon,i have a t8,reset to factory settings and wanted to reinstall jarvis but my file manager has totally dissappeared and have no idea what is going on ,any suggestions welcome ?
  11. M

    Newbie help

    can you connect your laptop to your tv and watch kodi that way ? if laptop has a hdmi connection then that could help with your problem,try the ares football addon,works a treat for me
  12. M

    Jarvis 16

    http://bestforkodi.com/manually-update-kodi/ this will help you,easy to follow
  13. M

    OTA Update

    once i switched to wifi, download worked perfectly and easily installed
  14. M

    OTA Update

    download working now ,many thanks for the tip
  15. M

    OTA Update

    ok,will try wifi ,thankyou