Recent content by Dave C

  1. Dave C

    How to delete signature

    The problem is not your signature. It is the comment box formatting is not working. When working, it should show like a bar with menu options just above the Reply box (as well as the Signature box) when writing a comment. It allows you to change the Font, size, add images etc. I have reported...
  2. Dave C

    T8-S Plus V2 - LibreELEC v11.0.3/CoreELEC 20.2 Nexus

    I don't think we have any more T8-S Plus v2 in the office for a while now so I am not able to test it unfortunately. In theory it would work but you could have issues with WiFi, ethernet etc if they are not supported. I would say upgrade it at your own risk. If everything is working fine on...
  3. Dave C

    MAME Samples not loading on RG353V

    It can vary between emulators and also the game you are playing as some games load different MAME version or FBNeo. Try roms/bios/mame2003-plus/samples roms/bios/fbneo/samples folders
  4. Dave C

    need some help for RG503

    For removing a Favourite game you can highlight it and press the Y button. That should delete it Unfortunately there does not seem to be an easy way to remove the last played list. I had a brief look online and you would need to edit various files on the micro sd card which I would not recommend.
  5. Dave C

    How to delete signature

    Apologies for the delay. I did look into it myself as the developers are busy working on the store at the moment. I'm not 100% what the cause is but have some ideas that I have passed on. We will try and get it fixed as soon as possible.
  6. Dave C

    How to delete signature

    It is not an issue with your signature but something on the forum software causing it. We are looking into the issue now. Thanks.
  7. Dave C

    RG552 Firmware uprade/downgrade

    We do not have any confirmed information if a version with Google Play Store will be released. But we would expect for one to arrive in the future as they done similar for the original firmware for Chinese, then one later for Western owners.
  8. Dave C

    RG351P Game adding

    You can find a guide on how to add games to the RG351P at How To Add Games To The RG351P - https://droix.co.uk/knowledge-base/article/how-to-add-games-to-the-rg351p/
  9. Dave C

    RG351P Retro Gaming Handheld Giveaway

    We are currently holding a giveaway on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/DroiX.Store/ and Instagram at Login • Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/droix.store/ pages. All the info on how to enter can be found on the respective giveaway posts. Good luck!
  10. Dave C

    How to install a RetroPie image to your MicroSD, HDD or SSD for your Raspberry Pi 4

    In this video I show how to install a pre-built RetroPie image on to your MicroSD Card, HDD or SSD. The process is fairly easy but it can be daunting if you have never done it before. The guide contains everything you need to show how to extract Archive files and the software used, which...
  11. Dave C

    Really struggling with PSX games

    The PS1 emulators are not 100% compatible with all games so it may depend on what you are playing. You may be able to use the list at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rvSpWLVAjpu-ieY41yXe6u5pa6cMn-vPAWyxD989GjM/edit as a basis to see what is working, it is for a different handheld but they...
  12. Dave C

    Droidbox T8 2015

    Most apps require Android 5 or above now and this device is Android 4 so some many not be compatible. If you go on to the Google Play Store, it should only show the apps that are compatible with your device.
  13. Dave C

    USB Webcams - Can You Help?

    Webcams are tricky on Android boxes. The most likely reason is that the app is not recognising the webcam properly. As far as I know there are no apps that would get this to work but you could try googling it.
  14. Dave C

    Location of emulator save states?

    They wont be stored in the OPK. The save locations vary from emulator to emulator, usually it will be in first Micro SD Card in the emulators folder. For PCSX4ALL (PS1) emulator you can find it in /usr/local/home/pcsx4all/sstates/ The file names will be the game id i.e. slus01384.0.sav will be...
  15. Dave C


    Yeah I read about it yesterday on Discord. We probably will not be selling it :)