DroiX Christmas Sale - Give the gift of Tech


New Member
Jun 20, 2016
My son gave me a MX Pro with Kodi loaded(he said that was important) ....it worked for 3 movies in three days.....and is now frozen on the Core page....If you move the box, the green light turns red etc and we gave up . He bought it from Amazon and hopefully will return it.
It would only work on one TV in the house. Odd. We will use it for streaming movies, and TV shows, not gaming.
I did order a T95M for my neice ....hoping that was a good choice for a college grad.
Anyways, I am now hoping to buy a replacement myself, but noticed they ship from various global locations....
Please help me with suggestions on which model to use in the US. My budget is under $125 . Plug and play , I am not very geeky , and would need advice on which model would be suitable.
Thankyou for your consideration to assist, as my son has left me in the dark. Of course, he has an expensive one with no issues at all! And doesn't know the name of the model to help me decide.....


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2015
Since you are on the droidbox forum, it is no surprise that users here would recommend droidbox machines. Check the main page to see what' s available. There is often a sale on and refurbished machines can be a good buy. Check out if there are any good offers on t8s machines and check prices against your budget.


New Member
Jun 20, 2016
Thankyou for your reply. I will hunt a bit , I was more concerned ordering from an unknown manufacturer or supplier.....and if US compatible.


New Member
Jun 20, 2016
Dumb question here....looking at the Droidbox T8SPlus....it states "Special Edition DroidBOX Media Center based on Kodi 15.2 Isengard designed by elite developers specializing in XBMC specifically for the DroidBOX "
It doesn't state it is " installed" but based on....do I assume it is pre installed? And will it update automatically?
Thankyou- I am struggling to decide to order one today....but this is all new to me .


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2015
It is pre installed. New releases of dbmc are announced by droidbox on their blog. They do not auto update. You download the new version and it will overwrite the old. I think dbmc is already up to 16.1 in line with Kodi Jarvis.
If you prefer you can download official Kodi from google play store. That does auto update.
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