
New Member
Jun 15, 2015
T8 box wont allow me to free up space I've tried factory reset and it boots up with exact same memory as before , can't install new kodi and I've deleted old, any ideas?

David Savage

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2014
Somewhere over the rainbow
Ok, to do a factory reset did you hold the restore button at the side by the USB ports. Hold this button in when you power up then keep holding until the recovery menu comes up. Now clear cache and then factory reset. This will take a bit of time as the box reboots.
As for storage you can go to ES file explorer and at the side menu expand Tools then run the file analyser, this will show you where your memory is being used up and by a long click on the ok button on the remote(over the file) you can delete them.
Make sure you go to the recycle bin and empty it after this.
You also can go to setting, other, more setting and Apps and here you can delete unwanted Apps. After this in the same menu go storage and check what you have.
The above is what you can do before a factory reset, but if you manage to do the reset it also handy to keep a eye on the storage as the T8 and T8s doesn't have much left after all the Apps and what the wizard uses up.

Hope this helps
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