Try going to setting, other, more setting and apps. Then go to showbox and clear data, and while you are here see what version you are on. It should be 4.27, now go back and try.
I think their servers are just very busy. Some of the newer movies are taking a long time to load or not at all. Older movies seem ok. (new tarrantino western took long time to load, spectre not at all)
Have you got moviehd...go to there Facebook page and you can normally get the link there. If it says no connection(after downloading) , don't worry as that's it registering and can take a few days. Most times it works first time.
Need to check which are real and which are effectively fan pages with no official input, but
can be a place to check if others are experiencing issues (app based), whether pools of people across the country have issues at the same time (ISP or backbone routing based maybe), and occasionally suggestions for alternative apps or add-ons
I had the similar issue with Showbox. Whenever i open showbox it use to freeze and become unresponsive after a minute or two. I deleted the show box and searrhed on google for a new showbox version. Then I installed the showbox and never had the problem. I installed the showbox from this place. I think the showbox version here is very stable.
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