
New Member
Mar 1, 2015
hi everyone
So I set up my new T8 and added all my movies through the video add files option, new menu 'movies' appeared and all my files play perfect.
I then decide to do the droidbox wizard update and this goes through nicely. However after then adding my Movies back in it finds them all but now about half don't play at all. So I downloaded Kodi XBMC and installed it, found all my Movies and they all play perfect. So I now wipe the droidbox xbmc in android and clear data so it gets rid of the droid box wizard update, reboot and re share my Movies and they all play fine again. Not to give in I tried the wizard again, unplugged etc and back on and yup back to square one half my movies won't play.
Looks like the latest Wizard from droid box is somehow screwing some settings up.
Anyone come across this before and found the workaround?

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Staff member
Jul 15, 2014
Cardiff, UK
I'd assume it was an entry somewhere around here -
If you delete or cut&paste to a different location (using ES File Explorer, File Manager HD etc) the AdvancedSettings.xml file (either reboot or Force Close XBMC first) from


(the bit in bold may differ, but it'll mention xbmc or kodi there) and then open XBMC, check if MKV playback is OK. If it is, then we know the XML content needs to be modified somehow.

Something else you can try is to leave the advancedsettings.xml file in place, and instead of clicking for the very last time on the movie, press the Menu button (or C key if you prefer and have a QWERTY keyboard). You should be able to instruct XBMC to use an external media player app, like MX Player. If MKV then works, we can set it to use MX Player as default.


New Member
Mar 1, 2015
Hi and thanks for the quick response.
Yes you were spot on with your diagnosis. I did just as you suggested and deleted the AdvancedSettings.xml file, rebooted and now the mkv's all play again so as you thought it must be a setting in that xml file.
Also so you are aware i had originally changed over the the standard 'confluence' skin as the editable confluence that the wizard updates to i cant find a way of adding my NAS drive movies or series in as the 'video' option isn't there which means the 'add files' isn't. I'm new to this so maybe there is a way but i haven't sussed it yet. If you can shed any light that would be appreciated :)

I did'nt try the MX player option as i have the other Kodi XBMC build on there which works fine, but for obvious reasons it would be nice to all work through the droidbox version.

thanks again


Staff member
Jul 15, 2014
Cardiff, UK
Thanks for letting us know. I've let the Wizard tweaking guys know that the MKV playback is an issue, and the XML file to look through for the guilty line.
For now, to get MKV playback working on the DroidBOX XBMC install, press the Menu/C key I mentioned and select playing with an external player, MX Player should be fine. Once the Wizard is sorted, you should be able to return to using the default internal media player.


New Member
Mar 1, 2015
Brilliant I'll look forward to a new release. If they need me to test before a release I'm happy to help.
I have the other version of XBMC on there in the mean time to watch my movies through so all good.

Thanks again


New Member
Mar 1, 2015

Ok I have done as suggested and yes now all my movies play as expected.
However this has now created other issues.

1. Now the scraper does not find all my movies as it did before and nothing in my drive has changed. One movie I managed to sort by changing the folder and title name but it was found ok previously. Others seem to be as they are zipped but again this was no issue before. Others it doesn't seem to matter what I name it to.

2. The scraper now doesn't seem to know the difference between movies and to shows which it did before, it now lists every tv show episode as a movie. Not a huge issue as I can move my tv shows to a separate folder but this wasn't an issue before.

So apologies if this creates more problems after fixing some.
What I will add though is that before when I had the issue of not playing movies I just reset the XBMC back to new install without the wizard and it fixed it. Now it doesn't and in fact the strange thing is that the Kodi XBMC I have installed now has the same issue on not finding movies and grouping tv shows and movies together, so is this an update to the scraper TMDB as far as the grouping goes but that wouldn't explain the not finding movies that both XBMC versions found with no issues prior.



New Member
Mar 1, 2015
Just to add a film it could find was titled '' I changed the dots for spaces and it found it, yet another film in the exact same format with dots it found.
I also unzipped the zipped files but this didn't help, I had to rename the files.



Staff member
Jul 15, 2014
Cardiff, UK
With the scraper, are you choosing TV shows or Movies when importing?



If you are, it might be worth starting a thread at and posting a log up there.


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New Member
Mar 1, 2015

TV shows for my TV shows folder and movies for my movies. Like i said before everything prior to this droidbox release was been picked up no problem its only now its not.
The scraper wouldn't explain why things aren't been automatically unzipped and played like they were before. There is a definite step forward in the fact that the MKV files that wouldn't play now play but a step back with now films not being found, some due to being zipped up and others due to the naming convention, yet these ones were fine with the prior release of the wizard. They are also not seen by the flat version without running the wizard, which seems very odd indeed.

thanks again


Staff member
Jul 15, 2014
Cardiff, UK
Flat version without running the Wizard? Not sure what flat means here, sorry.

If XBMC has its data cleared and then the Wizard isn't run, and files are not seen, then we may need to try a different build of XBMC/SPMC.


New Member
Mar 1, 2015
sorry when i say flat i mean XBMC data cleared and no wizard run. This always made a difference with the files not playing issue and did find everything however now it doesnt find everything! I did install Kodi and this had always worked fine with no issues however kodi now has the same issues as your version and cant find certain files (movies). If i change the naming convention to something simple it finds them, but still wont unzip any more.