
New Member
Mar 26, 2016
Hi all,

Firstly, I am 53 years old and a long way from being IT competent, so should you respond, I would be really grateful is you could please do so as simply as possible.

I've had my Droid box X7 since 2013, I've updated the XBMC software a few times when it has lost it's connectivity i.e. links stop working. I had this problem recently and was advised to convert it to Kodi, this I eventually managed to do, but recently it has again started to loose connectivity, such that many links failed to work, so I was advised to update it to V16 (from V15.2). however as a result it has changes a lot - in Wookie(?) I had a lot of "tabs" running across the screen, these were: 3D/HD movies, Movies, family & kids, sports, TV shows, Live Streams, UK Live TV, Media Portal, Music, World TV, Video add-ons, System

Video add-on had lots of applications behind in such as Sportsdevil, Sports donkey and many others

In the new configuration, I only have 5 tabs and I've lost all the add-ons and all my favourite links.

I am particularly upset to have lost my favourite link to International Streams (international TV where my Colombian wife could watch TV from her home country) and the links from the TV Shows tab where I could watch historic TV series.

Can anyone tell me how to reinstall the tabs, or more importantly tell me which add-ons I can install to allow me to access the Colombian TV channels again and also access the historic TV shows?

I'm normally the person to help others in life, but I'm afraid now it is my turn to ask for some help for myself - perhaps this is the start of old age making me dependent on other?

Any help you can offer would be genuinely very much appreciated!!

Thank you in anticipation!


Active Member
Dec 7, 2015
Firstly it could be that you have installed one of the various wooki builds, they have lite, aftv etc... Try installing a different one. I think lite has the one with a 3d section if memory recalls...

As for Columbian TV try this guide:

Hope it helps. For future reference you may want to install and use this too:

Just remember where the back up is saved to.

With regards to historic TV show's, what do you mean?

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New Member
Mar 26, 2016

Thank you very much for the prompt reply!

The 3D section was in v15.2, I've lost this and most of the others in v16

I installed v16 from this link which was sent to me by DroidBoxinUk - Amazon Marketplace - I assume they wouldn't have sent me to a "mini" version link and I emailed them back about the loss of tabs and they didn't offer this as an explanation - in fact they just sent me to this forum!

I suppose the tool you've sent me would have saved me from losing everything?

Re historic TV shows, I could do a search and get links to many shows but in particular I was watching past series of NYPD Blue and The Paper Chase - I expect you are too young to remember these!

I also have an app called Live Sports TV Pro which used to work ok, but for sometime now tries to pre-buffer and then gives an error message - it was loaded on my Droidbox when I received it and I can't seem to get an update or a response to any emails I send about it through the app. Have you heard of this app?

Thank you,


Active Member
Dec 7, 2015
Sounds like you were running an old wookie wizard, follow this guide to get a wookie:

I would say go with the lite build (I don't use builds but always recommend lite for my mates).

The SD wizard would've help saving your favourite's. Lost loads my self in the past.

As for your 'Historic' TV shows, try SALTS, follow this guide then search in the TV show section of the SALTS add on:

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New Member
Mar 26, 2016
Excellent, thank you!!

I've just followed your instructions for Colombian TV and it works perfectly! you've made my wife very happy!! Wish I could!! Only joking, she's wonderful. She asked me to say thank you very much.

When I opened Kodi in v15.2 it used to show a Wookie screen, but now there's no mention of Wookie, so do you think this is the cause of the problem?

I'm always very cautious of downloading things from websites, any tips on how I can tell they are legitimate?

Much appreciated.



Active Member
Dec 7, 2015
Sounds like as you upgraded you lost wookie, easily fixable with the above guide for wookie. The wookie build does include SALTS for your 'Historic' TV lol! You may need to install the Columbian repo though if its not already in wookie as it wipes current installations etc. Easily done from the guide above, you've already downloaded it so just install from zip in addons in wookie.

Seo Michael is always legit for downloads as is the other site mentioned for the Columbian repo, Wookie too as is best for kodi.

Hope this helps!

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New Member
Mar 26, 2016
Thanks very much, I'll give your suggestions a try.

Without wanting to take advantage of your great assistance thus far, do you know anything about VPN's? My wife pays for cable TV back in Colombia for her family and she can watch it online when she is there, but obviously, here, she would normally go through a UK server and so her web access is not possible. We joined "Hola" a free VPN app which has a Colombian server and we went through that, but it still seemed to recognise we were not in Colombia. Do you have any idea why? Do you think the app is not a good one and not really using a Colombian server? Do you know of any providers that do offer a Colombian server?

Thanks again.
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Dec 7, 2015
I wouldn't be able to help with VPNs, I don't use them sorry. I know a lot of Kodi bloggers, playlisters etc use ipVanish. But alas that's all I know I'm afraid.

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New Member
Mar 26, 2016
Hi again,

Thank you for the information. Any idea how to get IPVanish?

I've install the Wookie lite as recommended and all seems to work well!! Thank you! It is a little hard to use to scroll up and down, previously I was able to click and drag to scroll but now I have to repeatedly click the up / down arrows, so I'm getting an RSI, I think! however, beggars can't be choosers and I'm in a much better position than I was 24 hours ago.

I've been able to find my historic TV programmes too! Not through SALTS but TV online

I've managed to re-load the Colombia TV into the Wookie set up, so I'm on a real roll!! Don't really understand what I'm doing, but getting the desired results!

Because of the time difference with Colombia my wife isn't able to watch some of the programmes that are on that she likes - she likes the programmes, but likes not getting up at 4am even more!

Do you know of anyway of recording the stream if we leave the Droid box on and on the correct channel link?

Your help has been brilliant, I really don't know how I would have solved all my issues without your help, so thank you again for giving me your time. If you ever need help being hopelessly out of your depth with IT issues, please let me know!
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New Member
Mar 26, 2016
Thank you very much.

I tried to use S.A.L.T.S. (that you suggested) via one of the Wookie folders and it said I need a account, is that correct? Can I trust this source? Do I have to pay anything, do you know?


Active Member
Dec 7, 2015
You don't have to have a trakt account if you don't want one. I have one, it just helps with things you've watched etc. I think the velocity add on uses your trakt account to give reccomendations based on your watch list. Its a good feature , for example I watched a film the other night I wouldn't dream of but as it was in my recommended list based on what I've watched and I really enjoyed it! But I digress, trakt is safe , if you want an account they're free online, or click disable, its up to you. Hope that helps.

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