Dave C

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Sep 1, 2015
DroidBOX Team is pleased to announce LibreELEC 8.2.5 Final version for T8 SE model.

  • Kodi 17.6
  • other fixes TBA

If you have the T8-S Plus, T8-S Plus v2, T8-S, T8, T8 Mini or anything other than a DroidBOX T8 SE, do NOT flash this file, at best it won't work, at worst it could brick your device.

Long term members will know the score, you can skip a paragraph or two...

This file is likely to be part of an OTA update in the near future. It is not yet official. If you do not want to factory reset your device, or don't have the time to report any issues found, please wait for our next official OTA update.

However, if you know what the Recovery menu is, how to access it, and are happy to help trace issues to their root cause, LibreELEC 8.2.5 with Kodi 17.6 is available for your DroidBOX T8 SE.

File to download: https://mega.nz/#!CCBB0Z6Y!vCTbYZ28kVTKx9BNUTNJIGc8bOpP5e0p2cDiEQWA1AM
If you are on a Mac, you may need to this first: https://wiki.umbc.edu/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=31919091

What to do:
  • Copy the ZIP file (do not decompress it, you should only have one file called LibreELEC-DroidBOX.aarch64-T8SE-8.2.5-update.zip to copy, and it should be 144Mb) to an SD memory card
  • Turn your DroidBOX off and safely eject the card from your PC/Mac/other device, and insert the card in the T8 SE memory card slot
  • Holding down the Restore switch on the side (behind the USB sockets), turn on your T8 SE. DO NOT LET GO OF THE SWITCH YET.
  • Once you see the Recovery menu on screen, release the Restore button.
  • Click on the "Apply Update from EXT" option.
  • This time, click the "Update from sdcard" entry.
  • Finally, click on LibreELEC-DroidBOX.aarch64-T8SE-8.2.5-update.zip file
  • Once the process completes, select the Wipe Data/Factory Reset option (this will effect Android as well as LibreELEC)
  • Once the process completes, select the Reboot now option.

The following video shows the process. Although in this case we're flashing a LibreELEC firmware, rather than a ZIP file with an official OTA update, the steps remain the same.

Let us know if you encounter any issues, the more detail the better.
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