D clements

New Member
Jan 25, 2015
I lost the keyboard followed instructions got it back with a basic skin no longer spiderman background on movies etc.. now though clicking on video or genesis I get a blank black screen and it won't backup.. I have to reboot every time... so frustrating

David Savage

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2014
Somewhere over the rainbow
Hi, try going out of Kodi and go to settings then more setting, storage and go to cache and clear it. Ater this give it ago see if it helps, if not i would then go settings then more setting, Apps then scroll down to kodi(xbmc) and this time clear data and the wait for it to get to zero and then re-run the 1st confluence skin and see if this helps.
As for skins you can always go to system, Appearence and then on your right hand side you can add or change them.
Hope this helps you out.

D clements

New Member
Jan 25, 2015
Thanks for the advice I got so frustrated I factory reset and related downloaded latest kodi and followed you tube instruction put fusion on ... seems to be OK now tho I prefer ed the old xbmc backgrounds