Ray Barton

New Member
Feb 8, 2015
Hi Guys,

Just purchased a new T8 mini which I'm very happy with.
I need to install several video addons such as Exodus, Genesis, Phoenix, Castaway, SportsDevil etc. so what is the best way to install them?

On my old M8 I used to go into File Manager/Add Source, enter the URL and then unzipping files etc. but on my T8, I’ve noticed all the above video addons are listed in …
PROGRAMS/ Program Addons/ Addon Installer/ Video Installer.

Is this the best way to install my video addons or is the old way recommended?


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2015
There are several methods - which are unchanged

1. You can use a wizard like the wookie which provides access to many builds which automate the set up process. "Wookie lite" is a recommended build, efficient and good performance. Also Sean's build in wookie community builds, made by a user on the forum.


2. You can install manually using file manager as you suggest. You will need to know all the urls for the sources - the Seo Michael web site is a good place get these.

3. The addon Installer you refer to that comes with the box is good but is confined to Addons from the "tvaddons" team. You can install manually from that. Most of the Addons you mention are there.

4. The ares wizard has a good addon installation tool and is worth having for the maintenance tool.


As always, make sure you install the related repositories to ensure you get addon updates.
Also Genesis is a dead addon not maintained.
Exodus is the recommended replacement but have a look at specto as well, which retains the look and feel of Genesis.
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Ray Barton

New Member
Feb 8, 2015
Thanks for your good advice guys,
I'm cosidering trying the Ares Installation tool but does it perform auto updates or have you got to update manually?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2015
If you download the Addons AND their respective repositories (it will give you the choice) then the default is auto update