Tinderbox (UK)

New Member
Aug 11, 2017
Ok i bought my T11 a few months ago, When it came and i booted Windows it did not look right, I had strange software that you use to get a computer setup before it is sold.

I have been using Windows for 25 years or so, And worked in a computer shop building towers, So i am not new to Windows.

It looked like i had received a test build and it was not activated, I contacted support and they agreed i had not received a full installation and Windows was not activated, So the tech connected to my T11 and after a while he activated my Windows 10 using some patch.

I need a complete image to re-flash my T11 to a retail Windows 10 instead of the Frankenstein Monster i received.

The day i got my T11 i made an Acronis Image of the entire 32GB

I have wiped the 32gb a 100 time and messed about quite a bit, I even installed Windows so it ran from the optional internal hdd/ssd.

Anyway i would like to get my T11 back to stock in case i ever want to sell.

Thanks for any help


Tinderbox (UK)

New Member
Aug 11, 2017
Ok, I sent the email, I got the same crap tinned response i have before, I best a human never even looked at my email.


Thank you for your message. If it was support based, please read on & let us know if the suggestions don't help. Additional replies for non-technical queries will be sent. Please note this message has been automatically generated and sent to you.

Many problems have solutions already covered at our How To site - https://DroidBOX.co.uk/how-to & our YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/DroidboxInUK/videos .
Please also visit https://goo.gl/Z2Hoc4 for information regarding Kodi configuration.

You may find that the DroidBOX community at our forum - https://DroidBOXForums.com - have discussed the same topic & suggested solutions. They also discuss 3rd party apps & add-ons, as unfortunately we are unable to do so.

In general, our blog - https://DroidBOX.co.uk/blog - carries news of developments & updates, whilst the main site has a live text support chat widget - https://DroidBOX.co.uk (Monday - Friday 10am - 5.30pm UK time).

Whether you need an update for a misbehaving app/fresh version to get new features & security, or are looking for new apps/games, both Google's Play Store - https://DroidBOX.co.uk/how-to/first-run-of-googles-play-store & our own DroidBOX Market - https://droidbox.co.uk/blog/new-droidbox-market-app-and-additions are worth a look.

If you haven't yet used it, our DroidBOX Control Centre application easily resolves many issues, as well as help you to register your device & check online help resources. Please visit https://DroidBOX.co.uk/how-to/control-centre-maintaining-your-droidbox to learn more.

If you have checked the support resources listed above & still have problems, please let us know the following:
Your DroidBOX order ID/reference number
Full details of the issue - Which application, whether it occurs each time, is there a pattern)
Provide a timeline of events so we can identify the problem area, please include the fixes you have already tried from the support resources & any errors

Eugene Ole
DroidBOX Support

Blog - https://DroidBOX.co.uk/blog/ ,
How To Guides - https://DroidBOX.co.uk/how-to/ ,
Forum - https://DroidBOXForums.com/ ,
Main site and chat widget - https://DroidBOX.co.uk/ and
YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/DroidboxInUK/videos
are there to help.



Dave C

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Sep 1, 2015
This is an automated reply to confirm we have received your email and for many some of the email content will answer their query. A human (well most of us) will reply to your email as soon as possible. Thanks.
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Tinderbox (UK)

New Member
Aug 11, 2017
This is an automated reply to confirm we have received your email and for many some of the email content will answer their query. A human (well most of us) will reply to your email as soon as possible. Thanks.

OK, I am waiting in suspense.
