
New Member
Feb 2, 2015
i had some online support from the team recently and a new version of xbmc added and spmc

I turned the box on today and it gave me the "thank you for buying a media box" logo...
I thought maybe something to do with the set up of wizard with user/passwords thats been discussed (before i realised its beta only still)
then all my account settings were gone. One signing in all apps I had are gone and theres only a few originals with no additional space beyond 26mb thats used to update them or add new ones.....

any suggestion as to what the hells gone wrong ?

I turned off and one again and now cant get beyond the android logo.
Dare I try a full recovery ? or does it need to be able to read that on the memory storage thats missing ?



Did a cache wipe.. had no effect.. Did a full system wipe and it seems the internal storage is showing fully again - though all apps etc obv lost. so may need help getting xmbc update again ;) as i guess its been wiped
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David Savage

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2014
Somewhere over the rainbow
Hi, what box do you have, is it the ixm6, if it is witch wizard have you run,and I've noticed this is your first message but you say we given help before. A system wipe would do that, I would do the tooth pick in the port, then factory restore, reboot, then wait. Then run droidbox wizard for your box and when it's finished unplug power supply, and wait then plug back in wait for it to load and update. Hope this helps. Good luck
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New Member
Feb 2, 2015
*checks posted in right forum thread*

yup is an imx6
as updated in my post ive managed to do a full restore to get it loaded, and although the xbmc logo is on the launcher home page, it doesnt appear to be there as an app ?!

I wasnt aware of forums when I sought help via email first then was directed to live chat. Updates were applied via teamviewer and spmc installed etc I think via SilentlyScreaming
So how do i get the gotham xbmc back or well any version that works and the wizzard if its missing ?

EDIT: found this link http://droidboxforums.com/threads/factory-reset-your-imx6.147/ will try that first and see what happens,

EDIT 2: Followed that process, and its taken me back to where i was a few hours ago, without any preinstalled apps etc or wizzard that the box came with
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Staff member
Jul 15, 2014
Cardiff, UK
SPMC instructions (hi again, this is Chris) for all:

The following assume you already have the Wizard as a downloaded ZIP file from us (so you'll have already sent proof of purchase) and that you know how to bring up the list of all applications installed on your device (check for an APPS, MY APPS or circular icon with six shapes in it).

Open the Play Store app, sign in and allow updates if you've not before (see https://droidbox.co.uk/blog/googles-play-store-signing-in-and-auto-updates/ )
Search for the SPMC app
Click on it and then the install button
Once installed, click the Open button.
Scroll to the System menu and click on it.
Select Add-ons, then click Install from zip file.
Select root filesystem.
Head to /mnt/sdcard/Download (exact path will vary a little, but let us know if you have problems)
Click on the DroidBOX XBMC Wizard file you have already transferred to your Download folder on the device
Run the Wizard as normal (no need to wipe SPMC's data as you've only just installed it).


New Member
Feb 2, 2015
Hi Chris -
Been working away so on had time to deal with this

teh Wizard as a downloaded ZIP file is missing is seems, xbmx opens an enhanced edition but gives no video just audio.

If i can get the wizzard file via email, (proof previously sent and a long online teamview session ) I can try it with spmc



Staff member
Jul 15, 2014
Cardiff, UK
Re no video, only audio, head to:

XBMC>System>Video>Click Settings level until it shows Advanced
Now click the Acceleration entry.
Leave hardware acceleration enabled, but disable all the individual methods beneath that.

This is from a PC install, so you'll see different methods to turn off, but it'll look a little like this:



New Member
Feb 2, 2015
there is no option to change the setting level in the xbmc version running
Ive managed to get spmc running though and change them via that