
New Member
Apr 14, 2020
I used to love this addon. Use with my raspberry pi4 which is 4k and real debrid a huge ton of blue (premium links) Inc 4k.
but for some reason this all changed about a month ago, now most of the links are real debrid but torrent links. Not the usual Rd blue links. In fact there is usually between 0-5 blue links.
The torrent links are much slower to load and less reliable.
However I continued to use exodus redux as I had become attached to it, until just under a week ago things became worse.

Now, exodus first looks for sources but while the number of sources goes up, suddenly the entire process halts and it's like I never selected a movie.
I've tried erasing the entire cache. Providers etc also going into urlresolver and hitting the reset button. As that has helped in the past.
Additionally i also used a different addon to completely clean kodis temporary files and cache.
Still no luck

Today I downloaded the VENOM video addon and Boom first try. Hundreds of links Inc premium. Very fast operation and worked first time, with a high quality reliable source.

So what is going on? Exodus is broken on the server end?
Is there something I need to do? Maybe totally delete left over files to perform a clean install?

I really want exodus working properly again.
Please help


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2014
Exodus redux was abandoned by its dev late last year and became very problematic, as all addons do when they don't receive the needed updates. I used to to have it installed as a backup to Seren of which is the best and most stable of the lot, its well maintained and is a new addon built from the ground up by nixgates. Not a clone in sight:- https://shorturl.at/czD05 rd or pm needed or it will not work. The addon can be google searched on reddit before any install to get the jist of how it works, be sure to use the a4kscrapers url from the link above during install as in the reddit install their url is the original that got changed. Ps. Scrubs v2 has been my backup addon since last year and this also does the job very well.


New Member
Apr 14, 2020
Exodus redux was abandoned by its dev late last year and became very problematic, as all addons do when they don't receive the needed updates. I used to to have it installed as a backup to Seren of which is the best and most stable of the lot, its well maintained and is a new addon built from the ground up by nixgates. Not a clone in sight:- https://shorturl.at/czD05 rd or pm needed or it will not work. The addon can be google searched on reddit before any install to get the jist of how it works, be sure to use the a4kscrapers url from the link above during install as in the reddit install their url is the original that got changed. Ps. Scrubs v2 has been my backup addon since last year and this also does the job very well.
You say to Google how to use the add on? This sounds omnious as I've never needed to do that before, it's always been relatively simple.
Also that scraper url you're mentioning installing? I'm not seeing the a4kscrapers thing you mentioned.
Are you talking about a pc by any chance? I'm using a raspberry pi4 b the newest one. Not sure how to install scrapers.

Would like to know how one keeps up to date with new addons. Maybe you find out in this forum, or just Google new ones when your current one starts to suck?


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2015
This site "kodi tips" is pretty good for keeping up to date on kodi addons. Also has installation instructions and advice on things like scrapers etc

(Replace the ** with "tt")


Most people here will be using android (or maybe windows) boxes supplied by Droix - this is their user forum.


New Member
Apr 14, 2020
This site "kodi tips" is pretty good for keeping up to date on kodi addons. Also has installation instructions and advice on things like scrapers etc

(Replace the ** with "tt")


Most people here will be using android (or maybe windows) boxes supplied by Droix - this is their user forum.
Cool thanks.
One final question

. Installed trakt but can't see my progress anywhere here. I've looked everywhere? It must be here somewhere or there was no point having a trakt option?

Says "cache assist is attempting to build a torrent source." when I try to play a movie. But nothing happens.
I'm using Rd and installed those scrapers
Seems to have only found 28 torrents.
I enabled all providers. Hmm

Using venom for now seems better
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