
New Member
Nov 1, 2015
Westernesse & Oleán Chiarraí
My Droidbox came with Helix 14.2 installed and I loved it. then did a OTA update and no problems after that I did another update which included the wookie with SuperRoo installed yet again no problems.

Next I intended tried to install another update 15.2 only to find the Blog/How Too Page had changed and so did the link over the weekend so when I downloaded 15.2 instead of going to a cloud the went straight into file explorer.

So I downloaded 15.2 and the first thing I noticed was The Wookie did not ask me for my user name & Password then i noticed after installing from Zip File No SuperRepo or Xfinity just the words Repo 2 3 4 5 6 in a row. and Fusion.

I tried clearing data uninstalling Kodi / clearing data/cache uninstalling kodie./ Force stop/clearing data/cache to no avail
I have gone onto file explorer/card avail. Finely I have done a factory reset and re installed and so has my wife 3 or 4 times No luck. I spent 6 hours yesterday looking on this forum/internet.

I manually downloaded SuperRepo, and I have noticed in the Install from Repository folder everything seems present. But not Not on The install from install Zip File folder.
Everything seems to be working but I am not happy something is wrong and it looks awful with a list of repo's numbered 2-7 in the install from zip file folder.
What have I missed? What else can I do !
Sorry for this long winded post, But I felt like sending my box back yesterday.

David Savage

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2014
Somewhere over the rainbow
Not sure this will help, if you go to system and underneath file manager. Here you have a list of the repos installed, go to one of them and click the menu button on your remote. Now click on edit source and this allows you to edit the name in the bottom box (leave the top one). You can get the name by the looking in the top box for what it is ie: h** so give this one a name xfinity and do this for the others. If you get a link where there's nothing just delete as it's no longer working.
If you need the wookie wizard link let me no....and hope this helps.
To change skins you can do this in system, appearance and on the right Skin. You can also down load some too, to add short cuts just go down one (setting) and the last one here you can add short cuts to the home page..

Good luck


New Member
Nov 1, 2015
Westernesse & Oleán Chiarraí
Thank you everybody for your replies, I will try them tomorrow as I am disabled and my wife is out most of the day. This is certainly a large learning curve for me (I am over 60). I was also thinking maybe I should have installed Kodie 15.1 instead of 15.2 after my factory reset. anyway thank you all again