
  1. Iron Man

    Wizard Guides pages

    Hey guys, I have the T8, been really happy with it for the last year. I love my T8, but recently I wanted a new Wizard for the new generation and wanted step by step. I found this website that helped me allot. https://tvcordcutterz.com/ Few articles but at least direct to the point
  2. Iron Man

    How to install the Husham Wizard

    OPEN KODI Under System File manager Add repo url http://repo.husham.com Go back to home Click System Click Addons Click Install From zip Install husham repository Click Install from repository Select Husham.com Repository Select Programs Addons Select Husham addon wizard Click...
  3. C

    Kodi Wizard Coding

    Hi there - I have created my own update wizard which downloads my build onto my android box I have now created another build that I want to share along with my first one under the same source could anyone help me adjust the coding which allows for the choice of 2 builds rather than just the...