
  1. D

    Bittboy - black screen (no brightness)

    Hello I have Bittboy (Play 'n Go) from Aliexpress. I have not played on this device much (ca. 10 hours total) but I have problem with display. When I've played game and pressed R button, the screen becomes completly black - the music from game played properly. I reset device but this doesn't...
  2. D

    How do you exit FBAlpha?

    fbaaplha is the only emulator I have no clue how to exit out of. also is there any way for it to go landscape instead of portrait. the controls don't work to well in portrait since your hands are above and below the screen at once.
  3. maxb1ack

    pink/green screen in Mobdro app

    Hi, I hope I am asking for help in the right place for my issue. I have been using the Mobdro app (2.0.52) on my droidbox(4.2.2) for quite some time now. It's been great and worked fine up until recently. When I watch anything in Mobdro, the screen is pink/green. It makes it impossible to watch...
  4. X

    Q7 Auto Resolution?

    Hi, I have had my Q& for several months now and everything has been working great, we decided to move it upstairs for a couple of nights to watch a film on a different TV, no problems until I came to move it back to the main TV. The box now just doesn't appear to show anything, just a black...
  5. M

    Screen Resoultion is wrong for home page and Wookie

    My box has done an update now I cant fix the screen resoultion through the settings and wookie is in the top left corner of my screen please help!