
  1. Dave C

    How to install a RetroPie image to your MicroSD, HDD or SSD for your Raspberry Pi 4

    In this video I show how to install a pre-built RetroPie image on to your MicroSD Card, HDD or SSD. The process is fairly easy but it can be daunting if you have never done it before. The guide contains everything you need to show how to extract Archive files and the software used, which...
  2. Dave C

    Resetting controller settings

    If you find yourself in the situation where you are not able to use a controller on the menus then you can follow the steps below to reset it if you have a USB keyboard. The following steps which will reset the controller input and when it next boots it will have the option to configure the...
  3. Reisinger1

    Do I have to set the correct key assignment for each individual game?

    Hi! I have a question: I would like to buy a "Waveshare PI43" (with RetroPie). For this I would first have to save the RetroPie image on the internal memory card. But if I then e.g. storing hundreds of ROMs on the card, do I have to set the correct key assignment for each individual game? Or...
  4. Dave C

    Super Retropie Image Rev E

    The latest version of Super RetroPie for the GPi can be found at https://mega.nz/folder/Ai5inYJa#mR2BXoPX9jnVCn42jqRjIQ You can also check out the developers Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/SuperRetroPie/ You can find a guide on how to flash a Retropie SD card image for the GPi at...
  5. Dave C

    Retro Gaming System Console S Line Review

    If you are new to retro gaming and are looking for a plug and play retro gaming console then look no further. The Retro Gaming System Console S Line has everything you need to get up and running! You can read the review at...
  6. Dave C

    Full review of the RetroFlag GPi Case for Raspberry Pi

    You can find a full review of the RetroFlag GPi Case for Raspberry Pi which you can buy with just the case or pre-built with a Raspberry Pi Zero W and 32GB SD Card. You can read a review of it at https://droidbox.co.uk/blog/full-review-of-the-retroflag-gpi-case-for-raspberry-pi/ You can learn...
  7. Dave C

    RetroPie 4.5 released

    A new build of RetroPie has been released. This version does not have support for the recently released Raspberry Pi 4 but the developers are working on supporting it. You can find out more information on the release at https://retropie.org.uk/2019/07/retropie-4-5-is-released/ Changes since...