
  1. Dave C

    Resetting controller settings

    If you find yourself in the situation where you are not able to use a controller on the menus then you can follow the steps below to reset it if you have a USB keyboard. The following steps which will reset the controller input and when it next boots it will have the option to configure the...
  2. J


    I don't know what other forum this goes in, so..... A friend gave me an old TX3Pro, 1gb x 8gb. I've been trying out different apps and have finally decided what I want in it. Right now it run very slow and often takes a very longtime to load apps. I want to clean it out and start over again...
  3. K

    MX box , reset not working blank screen - Internal memory 0

    Hi, I have a MX box ( for XBMC ) . It was working fine but not since yesterday. It showed Matricom screen then went in to Matricom set up instead of normal home screen. 1st thought was that for some reason it has resetted itself so everything gone. Tried installing XBMC/Kodi, It gave memory...