
  1. ChrisM

    Copying Files To/From LibreELEC Via Your Home Network

    If you use the LibreELEC operating system on your DroidBOX device, the post at https://goo.gl/spTzYN explains how to copy files to your device over the network. No extra hardware or software is required, a few minutes will see you copying to and from LibreELEC's file system (or attached...
  2. ChrisM

    Recovery Menu Entries Explained

    The Recovery menu is an important area of your DroidBOX device. You can clear the cache, factory reset and apply firmware updates from here. If you have looked at the Recovery menu before, but were apprehensive about what each entry did, and what was safe to click on, please read...
  3. ChrisM

    LibreELEC Basics (How-To)

    Have a DroidBOX device with the LibreELEC operating system installed? Not booted into it yet? Tried, but got lost? https://goo.gl/N2FGKX will help guide you through connecting to the internet and other essentials, be it from the first run wizard, or using the LibreELEC Configuration program...
  4. ChrisM

    VPN Installation Instructions For LibreELEC 7 and 8

    Want to use your VPN connection within the LibreELEC operating system, but not sure how to? Already found the benefits of using the IPVanish application in Android, need to set up in LibreELEC as well? https://goo.gl/jmtHcN has the steps required, covering both the Jarvis (Confluence) and...
  5. ChrisM

    DroidBOX Go v3 Updated Model Demo & Unboxing

    The DroidBOX Go v3 features our own firmware with the latest versions of DBMC, Kodi, DroidBOX Market and now with a choice of launchers. The new DroidBOX Go v3 mini projector has been unboxed and given a chance to demonstrate its abilities at https://goo.gl/Y78FEr . With automatic and manual...
  6. ChrisM

    DroidBOX GPD Win - The best 2017 PC Gaming & Kodi Handheld Unboxing and Demo

    2017's must have for portable entertainment, the DroidBOX® GPD Win, gets unboxed and demo’d in our new video. The Windows 10 handheld features a 5.5” touchscreen, 4GB RAM, 64GB storage and a fast quad core processor. It is excellent for PC gaming and perfect for media viewing with software such...